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Showing articles from blueprint tag

Using Custom (External) IDs

BluePrint will give every question an internal ID, but if you have your own identifiers, you can use those IDs in BluePrint as well. These identifiers are known as External IDs. External IDs do not need to be unique and typically use numbers, letters, and punctuation marks. The External IDs are not visible to learners…

Numeric Entry & Text Entry

For questions that require number or text responses without multiple choices, BluePrint offers **Numeric Entry** and **Text Entry** question types. This is particularly well suited for times when your learners must work through questions with no answers provided, coming up with the correct answer entirely on their own…

Importing Questions & Question Categories

### **Importing questions into a course that is in a conversion state will completely replace any previously existing questions. Once a course is in a published state, you will only be able to add additional questions via an import.** ## Instructions 1. _View_ the “Breakdown of Spreadsheet” section below. 1.…

Importing a Structured Study Plan

A **Structured Study Plan **can take a long time to create, but it's possible to speed up the process by assembling your plan in spreadsheets and uploading them through our **CSV Importer** tool. In this article, we'll cover how to do that. **Note: **When creating spreadsheets, it's important to fill out information …

BluePrint vs Learning Platform

The Learning Platform and BluePrint both have a **left hand navigation **that hosts various elements. These include content items (like lessons and flashcards), structural elements (like categories in BluePrint), and tools (like publishing your course in BluePrint and discussions and searching a course in Learning Pla…

Managing BluePrint Users

BenchPrep offers you many ways to grant or restrict content accessibility to different members of your team. In this article, we'll discuss their differences and show you how to assign them. # The Four BluePrint Roles Within BluePrint, you can assign **three roles to users**. Additionally, you can assign one **BlueP…

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