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For questions that require a numeric answer to fall within a specific range, the **Range** question type can be used within BluePrint. A minimum and maximum value will be set, and as long as the answer falls within these 2 values, it will be marked as correct. The minimum and maximum values will also be included as co…

Data Collected From Assets

When creating or editing assets, you have the option to select which data points will be exposed to the learner. The exact data points available depend on the asset type: **SCORM, xAPI, AICC, cmi5:** State, % Correct, Status, Date Completed * **State** is whether or not the learner has completed the asset. * **%…

Free Response

For questions that require a text answer but should allow learners to have more freedom with their responses, you can use the **Free Response** question type within BluePrint. Free response questions allow for learners to type in their answers and is meant for responses longer than a word or phase. An example would be…

Structure Validation

The bigger your course gets, the harder it can be to keep track of all of your content. That's why we've created the Structure Validation tool, so you can take a bird's-eye view of everything in your course to make sure nothing has been left out. ## ## What is Structure Validation? Structure Validation is a tool th…

Creating a New Asset

To create a new asset in a course, follow these steps: 1. _Open_ **BluePrint **and** **_select_** the course **you want to work with. 2. _Select_** Assets** in the left-hand navigation.![][1] 3. _Select _the blue **Add Asset** button.![][2] 4. In the **Select Asset Type** dropdown, _select_ **the type of a…

Adding Alt Text to Content in Blueprint

Alt text, also called _alt tags_ and _alt descriptions_, is the written copy that appears in place of an image that fails to load on a user's screen. Besides being a useful backup for learners who have less powerful internet access, this text helps screen-reading tools describe images to visually impaired readers. **…

1. Intro to Assignments

The **Assignment feature** enables learners to create and submit longform responses to a provided question or prompt or the learner can upload a file. Depending on assignment configuration learners can self-grade an assignment obtain a final score or feedback on their assignment from a user with assignment grading per…

Importing Lessons & Lesson Categories

### Importing lessons and lesson categories into a course that is in a conversion state will completely replace any previously existing lesson & lesson categories. 1. _View _the_ _**Breakdown of Spreadsheet**_ section below_, and_ download _the **Lesson Import Template**_._ The order of column headers must match th…

Adding Resources

**Resources** are pieces of learning content that do not require an enrollment or payment. Resources can include any supported external asset type (SCORM, xAPI, URL, PDF). You can upload tenant level resources through BluePrint and configure them for Learning Hub via Console. ## Uploading Resources via BluePrint: …

Resolving User Feedback / Content Errors in BluePrint

In order to review User Feedback, first _navigate_ to the **User Feedback** tab in BluePrint. ![][1] You will now notice a list view of all (if any) User Feedback. You are able to filter through the feedback by different criteria like: 1. Status 2. Content Type 3. Date 4. Category 5. Feedback With Replie…

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