When creating or editing assets, you have the option to select which data points will be exposed to the learner. The exact data points available depend on the asset type: SCORM, xAPI, AICC, cmi5: State, % Correct, Status, Date Completed * State is whether or not the learner has completed the asset. The state…
Asset-Based Courses can be created via two ways; with your external course authoring tool (such as Rise/Articulate) which you will upload into BluePrint or basic uploading of your files and content through BluePrint without using a course authoring tool. Note: This type of course will not display in our Learning Pla…
Creating an Asset To create a new asset in a course, follow these steps: * Open BluePrint and select the course you want to work with. * Select Assets in the left-hand navigation. * Select the blue Add Asset button. * In the Select Asset Type dropdown, select the type of asset you want to cr…