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For questions that require a numeric answer to fall within a specific range, the Range question type can be used within BluePrint. A minimum and maximum value will be set, and as long as the answer falls within these 2 values, it will be marked as correct. The minimum and maximum values will also be included as correct answers. For example, if the answer to a question should be between the numbers 10 and 20, any value in-between including 10 and 20 will be considered correct.



Range questions are an extension of the Numeric Entry question type where the answer must match a single value. For more information about this type, click here. If you'd like  for learners to choose from a list of answer choices instead of typing in their answer, check out the Multiple Choice question type here.




Creating Range Questions


  1. Navigate to the Questions tab of your course, and click on New Question.
  2. Add your question content.
  3. Add your answer explanation content. Include the accepted range and why this is correct.
  4. Select the type as "Range."

  5. Input the minimum and maximum values for your answer.

  6. Select a question category and distribution.

  7. Click on Create to finish creating your new question.


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