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Home > Manage Users & Settings > Features > Feature Access: Lessons, Flashcards, Discussions, and Game Center
Feature Access: Lessons, Flashcards, Discussions, and Game Center
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Feature accesses allow for greater configurability and can be enabled at the tenant, course, or branch/institution level depending on the feature. These features can be turned on/off within Console or Tenant Dashboard, while some can only be toggled by BenchPrep Admins.

Below please find Feature accesses related to Lessons, Flashcards, Discussions, and the Game Center.


Features can be controlled via Tenant Dashboard, Console, and BluePrint. Note that your selections will save and take effect immediately and will update respective admin tool automatically (if a feature access can be controlled in Tenant Dashboard and Console, turning it on via Tenant Dashboard will update its status in Console).

To toggle setting on/off from Tenant Dashboard follow instructions found here.

To toggle setting on/off from Console at the tenant level follow instructions found here.
To toggle setting on/off from Console at the branch level follow instructions found here.

To toggle setting on/off from BluePrint Configuration follow instructions found here.



Highlight Lesson Content
Description: When enabled, learners can mark pieces of content in lessons. Highlighted content remains until the learner erases the highlighted content. Default State: OFF
Requirements: The course must have at least one lesson.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant and course level.

How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 


Take Notes in Lesson Content

Description:  When enabled learners can take notes within lessons.  When disabled learners can not take notes in lessons or view/edit previous notes or view/edit their previous notes. Default Status: ON


Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, branch/institution and course levels.

How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.

Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 


Hide Confidence Levels on all Lessons

Description: When enabled, "Rate your Confidence Box" will be hidden from learners in the Lessons module.  When a learner clicks Mark as Read on the lesson, the Confidence Level of that lesson is automatically set to Complete within the Table of Contents section.  Any previously selected Confidence Levels will still still be displayed in the Table of Contents.  Default State: OFF


Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 


Learner Created Flashcards
Description: When enabled, learners are able to generate flashcards and use them to study. This feature only allows them to create private flashcards (under “My Sets”). To share their flashcards with other users, Community Flashcards must be enabled for them. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: The Flashcards section must be in use and visible to the learner.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, course, and institution/branch level.
How to Configure:
Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 

More information about flashcard settings can be found here.



Community Flashcards
Description: When enabled, learners are able to generate flashcards independently and upload their sets to the platform for other learners to use and “subscribe” to. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: The Flashcards section must be in use and visible to the end user.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, course, and institution/branch level.
How to Configure:
Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 

More information about flashcard settings can be found here.



Download Community Flashcard Sets
Description: When enabled, learners are able to download user-generated flashcards from the platform to their device. The flashcards will download as a PDF list (i.e. not ready-to-cut-out flashcards). Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: The "Public Flashcard Sets" feature must be enabled.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, course, and institution/branch level.
How to Configure:
Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 

More information about flashcard settings can be found here.


Public Discussions
Description: When enabled, learners can engage with each other in open forums across the tenant by posting and replying to comments. Learners can post on the general Discussion board or on specific lessons and questions in review. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: N/A



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, course, and institution/branch level.
How to Configure:
Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint. 
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 



Private Discussions (created by admins/instructors)
Description: When enabled, learners are able to engage with each other in closed forums. These chats are exclusive and only allow certain users to interact.
Enabling this feature allows for instructors to create private discussion groups with learners in their institution. The feature “Private discussions created by learners” must be enabled to allow learners to create their own groups. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: BenchPrep's B2B tools must be in use. To invite a user to a private discussion, they must be in the same institution as the inviter.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant and institution/branch level.
How to Configure: 

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console. 



Private discussions (created by learners)
Description: Allows a learner to create private discussion group with anyone in their institution from the Discussions module. Default State: ON
Requirements: The "Private Discussions (created by admins/instructors)" feature must be turned on.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant level.
How to Configure: 

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.


Ask an Expert Discussions
Description: When enabled, learners can post questions in the tenant and receive answers back from an “Expert”. This can be found in the third tab in the Discussions tab. “Experts” are users with the instructor role within the tenant. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - OFF, Branch/Institution - ON
Requirements: Public discussions must be enabled, and the customer must designate a SME (whether through their company or a third party) or multiple SMEs to be the expert(s).
User must have the Instructor role to have the “Verified Instructor” check mark.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant, course, and institution/branch level.
How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.
Institution/Branch level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Read Branches" and "Update Branches" permissions from Console.



Automatically Delete Discussion Messages
If turned on, the BenchPrep system will automatically delete discussion messages in 3-5 min which contain banned language. This feature is intended to alleviate the time spent by admins moderating discussion messages. Default State: OFF


Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant level.

How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.

Game Center

Card Picker
Description: Learners may access the game “Card Picker” in the Game Center. Default State: ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.



Card Hunter I Game
Description: Learners may access the game “Card Hunter I” in the Game Center. Default State: ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.



Card Hunter II Game
Description: Learners may access the game “Card Hunter II” in the Game Center. Default State: ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.


Card Coupler Game
Description: Learners may access the game “Card Coupler” in the Game Center. Default State: ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.



Card Sweeper Game
Description: Learners may access the game “Card Sweeper” in the Game Center. Default State: ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the course level.

How to Configure:
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.


Crossword Game
Description: Learners may access a crossword puzzle generator in the Game Center. This game uses the course's flashcards to generate a unique crossword puzzle using the back of the flashcards as clues and the front of the flashcards as the words in the puzzle. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON
Requirements: The course must have at least 20 flashcards that have a front side (i.e. the term defined) with two words or less.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant and course levels.
How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.



Sudden Death Game
Description: Learners can access "Sudden Death” in the Game Center. The objective of this game is to answer as many consecutive practice questions correctly as possible. The game ends when the learner answers a question incorrectly. Default State: Tenant - OFF, Course - ON
Requirements: Course must have at least one practice question.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant and course levels.

How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.
Course level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Blueprint Admins from Blueprint.



Game Center Leaderboards
Description: In the Game Center, learners will see the three highest scores on each game across all learners in the tenant. They also have the option to click through to a complete leaderboard.  When the Game Center Leaderboard is enabled, users can discover our “hidden” Snake game by clicking on the loading icon on any games leaderboard.  Default State: OFF
Requirements: The Game Center section must be in use. The course should have at least one flashcard or practice question.



Configuration Level(s): Enabled at the tenant level.

How to Configure:

Tenant level: Configurable by Tenant Admins from Tenant Dashboard or by Admins or users with "Update Tenant" permission from Console.

More information about the Game Center and its individual games can be found here.

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