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Managing Vouchers
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If you created a Voucher Redemption Plan, you can manage your vouchers by selecting the Plan and choosing the Voucher setting.


Creating Vouchers


  1. In your plan’s Voucher setting, select Add Voucher
  2. Select your Voucher Type
    1. Voucher Template: A voucher template allows you to set the max use count and bulk generate multiple unique, randomized codes
      1. On the Properties page, fill in the following sections:
        1. Voucher Name: the base name of each unique voucher code to be generated
        2. Random Character Count: the number of random characters that will be added to the end of the Voucher Name
        3. Max Use Count: the number of times each voucher code can be redeemed (default: 1)
        4. Bulk Generate Count: the number of codes generated
    2. Individual Voucher code: An individual voucher code will allow you to set the max use count for one unique voucher code
      1. Voucher Name: the base name of each unique voucher code to be generated
      2. Max Use Count: the number of times each voucher code can be redeemed (default: 1)
  3. Select Create Voucher

You have successfully created a voucher and should see it in your Vouchers setting. If bulk generating vouchers off of a template, it may take a moment to populate.

Redeeming Vouchers

Your learners will be able to redeem vouchers once they have been created. You can find the Voucher Redemption Link in the Plan Details page.



Editing Vouchers

  1. Navigate to your Plan’s Voucher setting
  2. In the Voucher table, select Edit next to the Voucher you wish to edit

  3. On the Edit Voucher pop-up window, change the Max Use Count to your newly desired redemption instances
    1. NOTE: To deactivate this voucher: reduce the Max Use Count to match the redeemed uses

  4. Select Save


Managing Vouchers Page

Vouchers page allows you to easily search for vouchers across all plans, review voucher use count and edit vouchers.


  1. Select Vouchers from the left hand navigation to access the Vouchers page
  2. Type Voucher Name in the search box and click on the Search button. If you do not have the full Voucher Code name, input partial name and the search will return possible voucher matches. 
  3. Once the voucher is located, you can review the following:
    1. Voucher ID
    2. Voucher Name 
    3. Associated Plan Name - click on the name of the plan if you wish to navigate to the plan page
    4. Redeemed Use Count - how many users redeemed the voucher
    5. Remaining Use Count - how many uses are left
    6. Actions - click Edit if you want to adjust Max Use Count to your newly desired redemption instances
      NOTE: To deactivate this voucher: reduce the Max Use Count to match the Redeemed uses


Voucher Detail Page

Clicking on the Voucher Name will take you to a Voucher Detail page.  This page will display the following:

  1. Voucher ID
  2. Associated Plan and Plan Type
  3. Redeemed Use Count and Uses Remaining
  4. User ID, SIS ID, Name and email address of all users who redeemed the voucher
  5. Redeemed Date - when a user redeemed the voucher
  6. Status - user's current status

This page allows you to navigate to the Associated Plan by clicking on the plan's name. To access a specific user's detail page, click on the name of the user.

You can also view Redeemed Use Count and Remaining Uses for this voucher and adjust its Max Use Count by clicking the Edit button.

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