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Showing articles from course styling tag

Course Styling and WYSIWYG

[**Click here**][1] to download our quick guide! **Content Styling Options** While BenchPrep comes set up with basic styling for all content, you can customize it with CSS to give your content a look and feel unique to your branding. Content is styled in HTML in our CSS editor. If you are not familiar with working w…

Content Styling at the Tenant Level

**Note: **Only users with the BluePrint Admin role may eidt Tenant-Level CSS. Learn more about BluePrint Admin role [here][1]. If you would like to set custom content styling across your entire tenant, you may do that with the Content Styles feature. You can set Tenant-level CSS opening the **Content Styles** module…

Content Styling at the Course Level

**Note: **Users with the BluePrint Admin role can access and edit any individual course-level CSS. Owners and Collaborators can only edit course-level CSS for the courses they are assigned to. Learn more about BluePrint Roles [here][1]. Each individual course within your tenant has its own CSS stylesheet. You can add…

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