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Intro to In-App Messages
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In the Communication Suite, In-App Messages allow you to send messages to your learners. They can serve as an alert, announcement, notification, reminder, or more. These messages will appear within a learner’s course in their Notification Center inbox. Whenever they receive a new in-app message, a red dot will appear on the envelope icon and let them know how many new messages/notifications they have. In-app messages can be sent to an individual learner, a select set of learners (i.e. learners in a branch or group), or all of your learners. They can also be sent at a scheduled time or upon triggering an event during a specific timeframe.




In Console, an admin or user with a custom role that has the permissions Create:Communications, Read:Communications, Update:Communications, and Delete:Communications will be able to manage in-app messages. Depending on your assigned role, you’ll only be able to manage in-app messages for users within your scope (i.e. A Branch Manager can only manage in-app messages for users within their branch).


To learn more about how to configure and manage in-app messages, click here.

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