Please note this article is frequently updated to align with data dashboards improvements, the content you see might not always reflect the current state of this dashboard.
The User Dashboard allows you to review progress and performance data for users you have permissions to see. Users with a Console Admin role can view all users in the platform. Users with a custom role with the "Read Reports'' permission will have access to this section, scoped to the level the role is assigned at. The dashboard includes aggregate data about user progress and performance.
Group Managers/Instructors; users with a custom role with applicable permissions assigned at GROUP access context, who oversee multiple groups, will now see ALL users within their purview on the User Dashboard without needing to switch between groups. This allows you to view all users in the groups you manage in one unified view, streamlining access to data for all users under your management.
You can review a specific user's performance by navigating to the User Detail Dashboard and from there, gain further course specific insights for this user by diving into User Course Detail Dashboard.
Review each datapoint description to help you gain valuable data insights! The User Dashboard updates hourly.
To see the last time a particular data point was updated, hover over the widget and select the “i” icon. This will show an exact timestamp of the last update.
On the right hand side, you will see Filters for the dashboard. These allow you to precisely isolate and analyze relevant information. Filters give control to focus on specific subsets of data for customized insights. Each dashboard includes a subset of filters to help you quickly locate the information you are looking for. When filtering data, Group Managers (Instructors) will now see data for all users they manage, without having to adjust the group context.
The following filters are available on User Dashboard:
- User Email
- User Name
- Course Name
- Course Type - BenchPrep Course or Asset-Based Course
- User Type - learners or users with admin permissions (in any context). Filter defaults to learners only.
Viewing User Dashboard
To view data for users under your purview, follow these steps:
Open Console and select Analytics, then select User Dashboard
The User Dashboard displays the following data points below. Keep in mind you can scope the data presented by using filters on the right-hand side.
The screenshot displays the following: There are 1,890 unique combinations of users and courses - a user can have multiple enrollments; access to multiple courses. 529 users have enrollments amongst 110 courses. Average Course Progress, Average Test Scores, Average Practice Score, Average PQB Score and Average Lab Score reflect the performance of these users in these enrollments.
- Total Enrollments - number of enrollments; access to a course for all users.
- Enrolled Users - Number of users with enrollments.
- Courses with Enrollments - The number of courses to which users are enrolled.
- Average Course Progress - This data point displays average course progress, calculated by averaging progress across all users’ enrollments.
- Average Practice Score - This data point averages out the practice scores across users, giving you a general idea of how well the material is being absorbed in practice sessions. The calculation involves Dividing the correct practice scores by the total number of practice sessions per user per course. A practice score is based on correct, incomplete, and total answer counts reported from a practice session record, inclusive of any practice category resets.
- Average Test Score - This data point reflects the average exam scores (factoring “percent correct” score from exams in started, paused and completed states and inclusive of reset exams), providing you with an aggregate view of overall performance in exams.
- Average Lab Score - This data point shows the average lab scores, calculated using only the most recent attempt for each lab.
- Average External Asset Score - This data point reports an average score from all user attempts on SCORM, xAPI, AICC, PDF external assets, including re-attempts/re-launches.
- Average PBQ (Performance Based Questions) Score - This data point divides the user(s)’ cumulative PBQ score (running average) / total PBQ attempts, including re-attempts/re-launches.
The User table offers an array of user-specific information in a downloadable format.
Group Managers (Instructors) will automatically include data for ALL users they manage across their groups. This ensures that no additional steps are required to view data for users outside of a single group, making it easier to compare and analyze performance across multiple groups.
The table displays the following:
- User Name
- User Email
- Last Activity - This column displays the date a user performed an activity, across all their enrollments, displayed in MM/DD/YY format. An activity consists of taking action (i.e. completing, creating, editing, or deleting) on the following: confidence levels (in practice, flashcards or questions), practice questions , exams, assignments, bookmarks, highlights, notes, resets (practice questions or exams) continues learning cycle (if applicable). A user must complete and activity within their course in order for it to display a last active date.
- Enrollments - Number of enrollments; access to a course. Displayed in UTC time zone.
- Avg. Course Progress - This column displays average course progress, calculated by averaging progress across this user’s enrollments.
To view in-depth user detail information for a specific user, select the individual user (filter by name or email) and click on the User Email or User Name of the table to navigate to the User Detail Dashboard for the selected user. This dashboard gives an overview of all the courses a user has enrolled in. Note that some right-hand side Filters are disabled, since data is scoped to the selected user.
The User Detail Dashboard displays the following data points below. Note that User Email and User Name filters on the right-hand side are disabled, since data is scoped to the selected user.
- User ID - BenchPrep user ID
- Last Activity -Displays when this user was last active, performed an activity, in each course.
- Average Course Progress -displays average progress across the selected user’s enrollments.
- Average Practice Score - this data point divides total correct answers on practice questions by the total answers submitted on practice questions. (based on correct, incomplete, and total answer counts reported from practice session records, inclusive of any practice category resets) by the total number of practice sessions for this user per course. The calculation includes custom practice sessions.
- Average Test Score - displays the average exam scores (factoring “percent correct” score from exams in started, paused and completed states, inclusive of reset exams) for this user, providing you with an aggregate view of overall performance in exams.
- Average Lab Score - shows the average lab scores, calculated using only the most recent attempt for each lab.
- Average External Asset Score - This data point reports an average score from all user attempts on SCORM, xAPI, AICC, PDF external assets, including re-attempts/re-launches.
- Average PBQ (Performance Based Questions) Score - This data point divides the user(s)’ cumulative PBQ score (running average) / total PBQ attempts, including re-attempts/re-launches.
- Total Time Spent (in mins)- Total time spent (in mins) is tracked when a learner accesses their course. Each new minute where the user interacts with their course, such as clicking, scrolling, or by taking an action within the course, adds another minute to their total time. If the user is idle for over a minute, tracking pauses and resumes once they re-engage. Time is calculated daily for each enrolled course, combining all sessions into a single total. For example, if a learner has three 5-minute sessions in a day, their total time spent will be displayed as 15 minutes. During the impersonation of a user the Total Time Spent is not tracked and will not be calculated into the user's data.
The Course Table offers more detailed information per course, in a downloadable format. The following are displayed:
- Course - course name
- Course Type - BenchPrep Course or Asset-Based Course
- Last Activity - displays when the user was last active in the given course
- Progress - displays the user's progress within each course
- Total Time Spent - Total time spent is tracked when a learner accesses their course. Each new minute where the user interacts with their course, such as clicking, scrolling, or by taking an action within the course, adds another minute to their total time. If the user is idle for over a minute, tracking pauses and resumes once they re-engage. Time is calculated daily for each enrolled course, combining all sessions into a single total. For example, if a learner has three 5-minute sessions in a day, their total time spent will be displayed as 15 minutes. During the impersonation of a user the Total Time Spent is not tracked and will not be calculated into the user's data.
Viewing User Course Detail Dashboard
To view in-depth user detail information for a specific user in a specific course click on the name of the desired course in the Course Table on the User Detail Dashboard to navigate to the User Course Detail Dashboard for the selected user. This dashboard gives in-depth data of user’s activity and performance in the selected course. The right-hand side Filters are disabled, since data is scoped to the selected user and course.
The User Course Detail Dashboard displays the following data points and graph above. Note that the right-hand side Filters are disabled, since data is scoped to the selected user and course.
- User ID - BenchPrep user ID
- Course Title
- Course ID - BenchPrep course ID
- Last active in course
- Average Practice Score - this data point divides total correct answers on practice questions by the total answers submitted on practice questions (based on correct, incomplete, and total answer counts reported from practice session records, inclusive of any practice category resets) by the total number of practice sessions for this user in this course. The calculation includes custom practice sessions.
- Average Test Score - displays the average exam scores (factoring “percent correct” score from exams in started, paused and completed states, inclusive of reset exams) for this user in the selected course.
- Average Lab Score - shows the average lab scores, calculated using only the most recent attempt for each lab.
- Average External Asset Score - This data point reports an average score from all user attempts on SCORM, xAPI, AICC, PDF external assets, including re-attempts/re-launches.
- Average PBQ (Performance Based Questions) Score - This data point divides the user(s)’ cumulative PBQ score (running average) / total PBQ attempts, including re-attempts/re-launches.
- Course Progress - displays progress within the selected course.
- Percentile Rank - displays the student’s percentile ranking in the course, as compared to the rating distribution of all other users who are enrolled in the course.
- Completed Study Tasks - displays number of completed study tasks within the course
- Total # of Study Tasks - displays total number of study tasks within the course.
- Total Time Spent (in mins) - Total time spent (in mins) is tracked when a learner accesses their course. Each new minute where the user interacts with their course, such as clicking, scrolling, or by taking an action within the course, adds another minute to their total time. If the user is idle for over a minute, tracking pauses and resumes once they re-engage. Time is calculated daily for each enrolled course, combining all sessions into a single total. For example, if a learner has three 5-minute sessions in a day, their total time spent will be displayed as 15 minutes.
- The Total Time Spent Each Day graph displays the dates the user accessed the course and displays the total number of minutes the user accessed the course on that specific day. If the user accesses the same course multiple times in one day the graph adds each session into a single total for the day. During the impersonation of a user the Total Time Spent is not tracked and will not be calculated into the user's data.
The Categories and Sub-Categories sections of the User Course Detail Dashboard provide additional course specific data.
The Categories section contains the following:
- Practice Proficiency & Mastery - shows the user's proficiency levels in each parent category based on the answers and question difficulty.
- Proficiency levels include: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced, Expert or N/A).
- Proficiency levels include: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced, Expert or N/A).
- Elo Rank - Elo Rank shows the user’s level of mastery of the course’s content against the other users enrolled in the course. The bar chart averages the Elo rank of the selected user in the selected course broken down by each parent question category.
The Sub-Categories section contains the following:
- Practice Proficiency & Mastery - shows the user's proficiency levels in each subcategory based on the answers and question difficulty.
- Proficiency levels include: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced, Expert or N/A).
- Proficiency levels include: Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced, Expert or N/A).
- Elo Rank - Elo Rank shows the user’s level of mastery of the course’s content against the other users enrolled in the course. This bar chart shows the distribution of Practice Proficiency across each Proficiency Level (Beginner, Basic, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced, Expert, N/A etc.) for each Question Sub-Category.
The Learning Modules section allows you to seamlessly review the user's course specific performance based on content type. Select a specific type to analyze data:
- Lessons Confidence Ratings - represents the total number of confidence ratings the given user has marked on lessons in a given course.
- Total # of Lessons - total number of lessons in the given course.
- Lesson Confidence Totals by Rating - displays total number of lessons in a course and total number of lessons with a selected confidence level.
- Lesson Confidence by Category - displays total high, medium and low confidence level ratings marked per parent lesson category in this course.
- Lesson Confidence by Sub-Category - The value displays total high, medium and low confidence level ratings marked per lesson sub-category in this course.
- Practice Sessions - This data point displays total number of started practice sessions (category and custom practice).
- Practice Question Attempts - This data point displays the number of answers attempted on practice questions (complete or incomplete), including answers submitted during practice sessions that were later reset. Incomplete answer represents a question a user has seen but has not provided an answer to.
- Avg. Answers per Practice Session - For each practice session a user completes, the average number of answers they provide per session.
- Total # of Practice Questions - Number of practice questions in this course.
- Practice Performance by Categories - The chart displays a total count of correct, incomplete and incorrect answers by sub-category.
- Practice Performance by Sub-Categories - The chart displays correct, incomplete and incorrect answers by sub-category.
- Average Test Score - average of all exam attempt scores for the user in the selected course
- Total Attempts - Total number of attempts a user has taken in this course.
- Completed Tests - Number of completed test attempts.
- Total # of Tests - Total number of tests in this course .
The Test Attempts table displays data for each exam attempt providing a comprehensive overview of performance for a selected user within a specific course.
The chart displays the following fields:
- Attempt ID
- State - i.e. Completed, started.
- Test Name
- Attempted at
- Score
- Total # of Questions - This data point represents the number of questions in an attempted test.
- Predicted Score Category - Displays the name of each Predicted Score category in the course.
- Predicted Score - Predicted Scoring is not enabled by default, and requires assistance from BenchPrep. Predicted scoring is an estimate of a person's likely performance on an actual exam, derived from their results on a practice exam. It forecasts the score or outcome (pass/fail or a specific score range) a user might achieve, based on their strengths and weaknesses demonstrated during the practice test. In some cases, predicted scores are also broken down by specific categories, such as reading or math, to give a more detailed prediction of performances in those areas
Test Attempts & Completion Status - displays the number of exam attempts, the state of the attempt within each exam.
Test Answers Breakdown (Completed Tests) - displays the total correct, incorrect and incomplete answers from each completed test, inclusive of reset tests. The chart will also display the Attempt Number which is the total number of attempts the user had for a specific test. Incomplete answer represents a question a user has seen but has not provided an answer to.
NOTE: All questions in a full-length tests are considered incomplete until the test is submitted (review & finalize step).
Test Questions & Answers Totals - displays the total number of test questions available within the selected course, the total number of questions answered as well as the total number of correct, incorrect and incomplete questions.
- Flashcard Confidence Ratings - displays the number of flashcards with selected confidence level.
- Total # of Flashcards - total number of flashcards in the selected course.
Flashcard Confidence Breakdown by Category - displays total number of flashcards in each category with a selected confidence level; number of flashcards user interacted with.
Flashcard Confidence Breakdown by Sub-Category - displays total number of flashcards in each sub-category with a selected confidence level.
- Completed Labs - Number of completed labs int this course.
- Total Labs - Number of labs in this course.
- Highest Lab Score
- Lowest Lab Score
The Lab Attempts chart displays data for each lab attempt providing a comprehensive overview of performance for a selected user within a specific course.
- Lab Name
- Date Completed
- Completion State
- Score
- %Complete
- Time Spent (min)
The Lab Scores chart provides a more detailed breakdown of learner’s performance in labs, including average, highest and lowest scores.
External Assets
Completed External Assets
External Assets in Course
The External Assets Detail chart displays data for each external asset providing a comprehensive overview of performance for a selected user within a specific course.
- Title
- Completed Date
- Type
- Location
- State
- Completion State
- Score
- Completion
- Time Spent (Mins)
PBQs (Performance Based Questions)
- Total PBQs Completed
- Total PBQs in Course
- Average Highest PBQ Score
- Average Lowest PBQ Score