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Showing articles from branch branding tag

3. Branch Branding FAQs

## Who can apply branding to a branch? * A Console admin, or a user with a custom role containing permissions below can access the Look & Feel option to configure branding: * Manage Branding * Read branches * Update branches ## I want to apply the same branding to branches within my hierarchy, do I …

2. Configuring Branch Branding

## Applying Branching to a Branch To configure branding for a specific branch, follow these steps: 1. _Log in_ to **Console** and _select_ **Branches** 2. _Locate _a **Branch **you would like to work with 3. _Select_ the** Settings** button ![][1] 4. _Select _the **Look and Feel** option ![][2] NOTE: A…

1. Intro to Branch Branding

Console’s **Branding **functionality enables users with an Admin role, or users with Manage Branding, Read branches and Update branches permissions, to tailor and differentiate the platform experience by applying custom branding at a specific branch level. Once configured at a branch level, all members of that branch…

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