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Using Custom Practice
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This article covers how to set up a custom practice session, the features and functionalities available during a custom practice session, and how to review your results after completing a custom practice session.


Setting Up A Custom Practice Session


  1. Open your course and use the left-hand navigation menu to go to the Practice section.
  2. If your course uses both Custom and Category Practice, you can switch between the two modes on this page. Select Go to Custom to continue.
  3. The next page will show your results on previous custom practice sessions. To start a new one, select the Start New Session button.
  4. Set the number of questions, duration, and mode for your custom practice session.
    1. Under Number of Questions, you can choose all remaining (unanswered) questions, all questions you’ve previously answered incorrectly (these questions will then reset, allowing you to attempt them again), an exact number of questions, or select Choose the type, difficulty, and number of questions. The final option provides even more control over exactly which questions you’ll attempt. For example, you can specify that this custom practice session should include six questions from Category A with the difficulty level "moderate", five questions from Subcategory B with the difficulty level "expert", and eight questions from category C with the difficulty level "easy."
    2. Under Duration, select Unlimited to practice without a time limit, and Timed to practice with a time limit. Then, set the specific time limit using the fields provided. The platform will note how much time you spend on this session no matter which mode you choose.
    3. Under Mode, select Study Mode or Exam Mode. Study Mode allows you to review each question’s correct answer before moving on to the next question, while Exam Mode only allows you to review questions after completing the custom practice session. If desired, you can change this setting during the custom practice session as well.
  5. Select Start Practice to begin the custom practice session.


Attempting a Custom Practice Session


After beginning a custom practice session, the interface will match what you would experience in Category Practice. You'll be able to see the question and answer content, what question you're on out of the total number of questions in the session, timers for this question and the total time, question tools, and the Review Answer toggle. Selecting "Done Practicing" will end the custom practice session. Ending the session allows you to start a new custom practice session, review your answers for this session, or use Category Practice.



Available Feature Accesses


The following feature accesses are compatible with Custom Practice:

  • Highlighting 
  • Toolbox (including scrap paper, basic calculator, periodic table, and formula sheets)
  • Whiteboard 
  • Confidence Level selection (optional or required)


Notes and bookmarks are also available to the user during Review Mode. To learn more about these feature accesses and tools, check out the section called "Practice Question Tools" in our article here.


Reviewing Custom Practice Sessions


After ending a custom practice session, the platform will present you with the following data points:

  • Overall score 
  • Score within each question category attempted 
  • Number of questions answered 
  • Average time taken to answer a question 
  • Average time taken when answering a question incorrectly
  • Average time taken when answering a question correctly



You can now review all your answers from this custom practice session.


To review your answers, follow these steps: 

  1. Go to the Practice section and select Custom Practice (skip this step if you just finished your custom practice session).
  2. Select the custom practice session you would like to review (skip this step if you just finished your custom practice session).
  3. Select the question category you’d like to review. This will only include the questions within this category that you attempted as part of this custom practice session.
  4. From here, you'll be to see your questions, the time it took to take them, and their difficulty levels. Questions will appear in the order that you took them. Select Review All to review all questions answered in this category, or select Review next to a specific question to review that question only.
  5. Select Done Reviewing when you’ve finished. This will take you back to the listing of questions you answered in this category.
  6. To review questions from this custom practice session that were part of a different category, select Back.
  7. Then, select the category you’d like to review questions from, and repeat steps 4-5.


Resetting Custom Practice Sessions


This section provides directions on resetting practice questions, based on your specific need. Review each section to familiarize yourself with resetting functionality when using custom practice.


To reset all questions you’ve answered via Custom Practice, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Practice section and select Custom Practice
  2. Select Reset Questions.
  3. A pop-up will ask you to confirm you want to take this action. Select the Confirm Reset button to continue.


Note that resetting questions within Custom Practice will allow you to take the questions within Custom or Category Practice. Please ensure you are resetting questions within the experience they were taken in; reset questions taken within the Custom Practice experience from the Custom Practice dashboard; reset questions taken within the Category Practice experience from the Category Practice dashboard.


For example, let’s assume you have taken 0 questions in the Category or Custom Practice experiences. Next, you take 5 questions within Category X from within the Custom Practice experience, and click ‘Done Practicing’ - you will now see the number of questions taken in Category X (i.e., 5) appear in both the Custom Practice and Category Practice Dashboards.

To reset these 5 questions from Category X, you can navigate to the Custom Practice dashboard, click into Category X, and click the red ‘Reset Questions’ link to reset those 5 questions so they are released back into the overall pool of questions from which to choose for your Custom Practice experience (note: if you reset the 5 Category X questions from within Custom Practice, you can navigate to Category X within the Category Practice experience to see that these questions are now also released and available for you to attempt from the Category Practice experience). 

However, if you try to reset these 5 Category X questions from within Category X within the Category Practice experience, you will notice that the red ‘Reset Questions’ icon is no longer available, since all of the questions were attempted from Custom Practice experience.

Remember: You can only reset practice questions from within the experience in which you took the practice questions (i.e., Category or Custom). That said, when you do reset practice questions from within the experience in which you took said practice questions, these questions will be reset for both Category and Custom Practice and will be available to be taken again in whatever experience you choose! 


  • If all questions are taken in Custom Practice experience, the "Reset Questions" link will be hidden in the Category Practice experience.
  • If all questions are taken in Category Practice experience, the "Reset Questions" link will be hidden in the Custom Practice experience.
  • If all questions within a specific category are taken in Custom Practice experience, the "Reset Questions" link will be hidden in the Category Practice experience for that category.
  • If all questions within a specific category are taken in Category Practice experience, the "Reset Questions " link will be hidden in the Custom Practice experience for that category.
  • If questions are taken in both Custom and Category practice experiences, resetting questions will reset questions that were taken in that specific experience.
  • You can reset all questions, regardless of where they were taken, select Reset all Questions link on the Practice Dashboard.


To reset the questions you answered as part of one custom practice session, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Practice section and select Custom Practice.
  2. Select the custom practice session you would like to reset.
  3. Select Reset Questions.
  4. A pop-up will ask you to confirm you want to take this action. Select the Confirm Reset button to continue.


To reset All Questions, regardless of the experience they were taken in, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Practice section and select Reset all Questions.
  2. This master reset option allows you to reset ALL questions and start your practice taking experience from scratch!
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