Jun 05, 2024
Importing flashcards into a course that is in a conversion state will completely replace any previously existing flashcards. Once a course is in a published state, you will only be able to add additional flashcards via an import.
- View the "Breakdown of Spreadsheet" section below, and download the Flashcard Import Template.
- The order of column headers must match the exact order below. Include all headers even if you will not supply content under all of them.
- Following the information under “Breakdown of Spreadsheet,” add values to your template.
- Any formatting within your content will need to be written as HTML (e.g. bold, italics, lists, line breaks, links, etc.).
- Any special characters should be amp-encoded with their corresponding HTML entities. You can use an online tool like this one to encode special characters appropriately.
- Export the spreadsheet as a CSV UTF-8.
- Compress any content files directly referenced by filename.
- Import your flashcards in BluePrint:
- Navigate to your course in BluePrint, and click on Other Tools. Select Import Content.
NOTE: More about the Import Tool can be found here. - Under "Flash Cards," click on Choose File, and select your CSV.
- If applicable, import zipped files of images and/or HTML referenced under side_1 or side_2 in the CSV.
- Click on Import at the bottom of the screen.
- Navigate to the course's Activity Log. Once the import is complete, the activity will update to “successful.”
- Navigate to your course in BluePrint, and click on Other Tools. Select Import Content.
- All flashcards will now appear under the Flashcards tab on the left-hand panel. All flashcard categories and subcategories will appear under the Flashcard Categories tab.
Breakdown of Spreadsheet
Below is information on what to include under each column (* = value required). The Flashcard Import Template can be downloaded here.
Note: The order of flashcards and categories in your CSV will affect the end order. If necessary, the order for categories, subcategories, and individual flashcards is changeable after importing.
- First column: side_1_content_file*
- What: Terminology located on the front side of the flashcard (what the user sees first)
- Can only appear once (no duplicates)
- To upload formulas or equations, include the MathML or HTML
- Special characters should be amp-encoded
- To upload images, structure tag as <img src="filename.png" /> and compress all images in a separate archive
- Src value is case sensitive! - Alternative: include full name of HTML file uploaded previously or as part of this upload
- Second column: side_2_content_file*
- What: Explanation or definition of what is on side 1 (what the user sees upon flipping the card)
- Same parameters as “side_1_content_file” above
- Third column: flash_card_category_name*
- What: Parent category
- Fourth column: sub_flash_card_category_name
- What: Sub-category
- Fifth column: related_lessons
- What: Creates “connection” on backend between flashcard and lesson(s), currently not shown to end user
- Comma-separated lesson sort orders (e.g. “3,4” to connect to third and fourth lesson)
- Sixth Column: term_voiceover_file
- What: voiceover of side 1 content
- Full filename of file uploaded previously or as part of this upload
- Seventh column: definition_voiceover_file
- What: voiceover of side 2 content
- Full filename of file uploaded previously or as part of this upload