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Home > Manage Users & Settings > Console > Managing the Learning Section
Managing the Learning Section
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The Learning section of Console displays the courses (or asset-based course) that have been created in BluePrint.


The table on this page displays the ID number, the Course Title, the Course Type, the Enrollment Count, the Avg. Rating, the Number of Ratings, and Status. You can search for courses, filter by status, and adjust the number of courses that appear on this page.


  • Course Title: title of the course
  • Course Type: type of content
    • Course: the standard course experience using native BenchPrep modalities (lessons, questions, flashcards, etc.)
    • Asset-based Course: an asset-based course (e.g., interactive video, SCORM package, etc.) that launches directly from the Learning Hub
  • Enrollment Count: number of users enrolled in a course
  • Avg. Rating: average rating, which are the content package review ratings, left by learners via the "Rate and Review" link within the WebApp course
  • Number of Ratings 
  • State: state of content package in BluePrint

NOTE: While the enrolled users tab within a content package’s view updates in real-time, the Enrollment Count is updated once per day at 4:30am UTC.

Managing Courses

In Console, you can control the Configurations (or features) of a course, the Enrolled Users, and you can view the Marketing Info.



The Configurations tab allows you to manage your Learning Hub configurations, deactivation schedule, and features for this course.


Learning Hub

This section allows you to set configurations for how your course will display in the Learning Hub. You can select a Content Type, Purchase Type, and if this course should display on the Browse page. If the display toggle is OFF, a user with access to this course will only see it on their My Learning page.


Deactivating a Course

If you'd like your course to deactivate after a specific date, you have the option of assigning a date here. Deactivated courses will no longer be accessible to any enrolled learners immediately following the set date regardless of how their access was provided (i.e. SSO, voucher, plan, contract). The course also cannot be assigned to new learners through any of these access methods.



Once deactivated, the course cannot be reactivated. Its status will update to "Deactivated," and its configurations can no longer be edited. For learners previously enrolled in the course, it will appear in their Expired tab in Learning Hub.



Admins or users with a custom role and the deactivate:content_packages permission will be able to set a deactivation date. The date will be set in UTC, and as long as it's in the future, it can still be edited or removed.  Please note that deactivation is not instantaneous, allowing you to update the date in case the deactivation date was set by mistake. If you have an Asset-Based Course and import assets with a CSV, a deactivation date can also be assigned to your course if one is provided in your CSV. All assets will need to have the same deactivation date assigned.



To enable a feature for a course, toggle it ON at both the tenant level in Settings and the course level below. If a feature is OFF at the tenant level, you will not be able to enable the feature at the course level. Admins or users with a custom role and the update:feature_accesses permission will be able to toggle these features.



Enrolled Users

The Enrolled Users tab allows you to view your enrolled users, their status, and their roles.


Select a given user’s username to control their user details.


Marketing Info

The Marketing Info tab displays your course’s description, cover image, and URL.

NOTE: Marketing information about the course is managed in BluePrint and appears in Console as read-only. If you have access to the course in BluePrint, you will see an Edit in BluePrint button that will take you to its Course Properties page in a new tab.



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