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Home > Manage Users & Settings > Tenant Administration Support > Exam Reset Limit for Institutions
Exam Reset Limit for Institutions
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Exam resets allow you to set the number of times an end user is allowed to reset their exam. A Tenant Admin is able to set the exam reset limit at the Institution level to specify the number of attempts for all exams in all courses included in a particular Institution


To set the exam reset limit for an Institution please follow these steps: 

  1. On the Tenant Dashboard, navigate to the Institutions section and find the Institution you would like to edit. Click on the Manage Features button

  2. Ensure the Allow resets on Exam and Practice Questions setting is turned ON

  3. Next, go back to the Institution's details page (you can click on the Institution's name at the top of the Manage Features page to do so). Click on the Edit button

  4. On the next page, type a number greater than zero in the Number of exam resets allowed field. The number you enter will be the number of resets available for each practice question category and exam; for example, if 3 resets are allowed, an end user can reset each exam 3 times

  5. Select Save Changes


In addition, Tenant Admins are able to update the number of individual student's exam attempts by following these steps:

  1. Locate the appropriate Institution the end user is a part of
  2. Select Jump to Boost Dashboard link on the Institution's page

Once you access Boost Dashboard, follow Instructions found here to adjust exam resets for individual end users!

NOTE: Enable instructor exam reset control feature access needs to be turned ON on Tenant and Institution level. 

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