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Banner Messages FAQs
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  • If a banner is dismissed, can it be viewed again?
    No, once a banner is dismissed, by selecting the X icon on the top right of the banner message, it will not be visible anymore.

  • Can I have multiple active banners at the same time?
    Yes, multiple banners can be presented, based on the order of their start dates. Dismissing a banner will remove the message and show any subsequent banners that exist.
  • Can I edit an expired banner?
    Yes, expired banners can still be updated and made active again by changing the start/end dates. Check out our article here for steps on how to edit a banner.

  • If a banner expires and I make it active again, will it reappear to users?
    If a user dismissed the banner before it expired, it will not reappear. If a user didn’t dismiss the banner before it expired, it will reappear.
  • Is there a limit to how many banners I can have?
    No, there is not a limit to how many banners you can have.
  • Is there a character limit to a banner message?
    No, there is no character limit for a banner message. It's best practice though to keep your message concise so that users can easily read your banner.
  • Can I add an image to my banner?
    No, images cannot be added. However, you can update the formatting of your banner’s text, add a list, or insert a link to another webpage.

  • A user completed a study task in their course, which triggered a banner. They then dismissed the banner. Later on, their course was reset, and they completed the same study task again. In this type of scenario, will the banner be triggered again and reappear to the user?
    No, in this case, the banner will not reappear since the user already dismissed the banner. Even though the same study task was completed, the banner will not be retriggered.
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