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Home > Console Upgrade > Console Upgrade Checklist
Console Upgrade Checklist
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Follow the simple checklist below to complete the upgrade process. Most of the upgrade involves the communication, onboarding, and support of current partners using Console instead of legacy applications. Very little configuration is required in Console as all legacy data will be synced.

We strongly recommend completing the “Prep for Upgrade” actions as outlined in the Console Upgrade Guide before starting the upgrade checklist steps below.

Please Note: The checklist is intended to assist BenchPrep customers with external stakeholders/partners using Boost and/or Institution Admin.  If you do not have any external stakeholders using Boost or Institution Admin, you can disregard the communication-related tasks.

Step Task Type Suggested Timeline
Notify existing Partners of upcoming changes and upgrade timeline External Communication
8 weeks before upgrade complete
2 Provision Partner access to Console BenchPrep Support Request 6 weeks before upgrade complete
3 Notify Partners of access to Console External Communication
6 weeks before upgrade complete
4 Remind Partners of sunset date External Communication
4 weeks before upgrade complete
5 Sunset Boost & Institution Admin by removing legacy roles BenchPrep Support Request Final Week 
6 Notify Partners sunset is complete External Communication
Final Week


Step 1: Notify existing Partners of upcoming changes and upgrade timeline

Suggested Timeline: 8 weeks before upgrade complete


To ensure a smooth transition, we recommend notifying users with impacted roles (Institution/District Admins, Supervisors and/or Instructors) about the upgrade as early as possible so they can prepare accordingly and minimize operational disruption.  

At a minimum, we recommend communicating what’s changing and when.  It might also be helpful to provide additional documentation on the new interfaces.  We’ve provided suggested messaging and links to relevant articles below.

Reminder: You can share generic articles from BenchPrep’s Knowledge base or repurpose documentation to meet the needs of your use case and partners. 

Notify Impacted Roles via Email

Step 1: Identify your contacts and export names & email addresses from Console
Potential Audience: Institution Admins, District Admins, Supervisors and/or Instructors

To Export users via Console follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Users page and select the role you would like to export (ie Instructor) 

  2. Click Search

  3. The system will filter users with a designated role, click Export Filtered link to receive a CSV report of the user list.  

    1. The export will contain name, email address, status (active vs. inactive), date created and list of all of their roles.

  4. Review the export to identify appropriate audiences for the communication and save/copy the email addresses accordingly.

Use your finalized list of contacts for all future communication.

Step 2: Send your email notification
Use the messaging below or craft your own. 

District Admin:

Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is coming!

In two weeks, you will be upgraded to our brand new Console application!   Don’t worry, we'll be here to   provide  you with updates on what to expect along the way.    

What is changing?
Console will be the sole administrative application used to support and administer your learning programs.  It will replace the District Admin application, offering you an improved home to manage your institutions and users.  

Starting in two weeks, you’ll have access to Console and can explore all  the exciting new features  it offers. We will send you  another email to let  you know when Console is available to use.

What should I do to prepare?
Spread the word  to your friends and take some time to read  our documentation ([insert link to documentation here!)]for a better understanding  of what is coming. Rest assured, we will take care of  everything required  to grant you access to Console (the keys to the car!).

Do I have to start using Console in two weeks?
No, you certainly don’t need to start using Console in two weeks (but why wait!).  While you’ll have  access to Console, District Admin will remain available to you for a period of time. Starting eight weeks from today (six weeks after you gain access to Console), the next time you login you’ll be automatically redirected to the Console application and District Admin will no longer be accessible. 


District Supervisor:

Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is coming!

In two weeks, you will be upgraded to our brand new Console application!   Don’t worry, we'll be here to   provide  you with updates on what to expect along the way.    

What is changing?
Console will be the sole administrative and reporting application used to administer and report on your learning programs.


Console will replace Boost, providing you with a new and improved home to report on your institutions and their learners.   

Starting in 2 weeks you’ll be able to access Console and test out all of the new and exciting functionality that it offers. You’ll receive another email letting you know when Console is available to use!  

What do I need to do to prepare?
Tell you friends and read up on our documentation ([insert link to documentation here!)] to get a better view of what is coming.  Everything that is needed to get you access to Console (the keys to the car!) will be taken care of for you.   

Do I have to start using Console in 2 weeks?

No, you certainly don’t need to start using Console in two weeks (but why wait!).  Although you’ll have access to Console, Boost will remain available to you for a period of time.Starting 8 weeks from today (6 weeks after you gain access to Console), the next time you login you’ll automatically be placed into the Console application and Boost will no longer be accessible.


Institution Admin:

Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is coming!

In two weeks, you will be upgraded to our brand new Console application!   Don’t worry, we'll be here to   provide  you with updates on what to expect along the way.

What is changing?
Console will be the single administrative application that will be used to support and administer your learning programs.  


Console will replace the Institution Admin application, providing you with a new and improved home to manage your users.  

Starting in 2 weeks you’ll be able to access Console and test out all of the new and exciting functionality that it offers. You’ll receive another email letting you know when Console is available to use!

What do I need to do to prepare?
Tell you friends and read up on our documentation ([insert link to documentation here!)] to get a better view of what is coming. Everything that is needed to get you access to Console (the keys to the car!) will be taken care of for you.   

Do I have to start using Console in 2 weeks?
No, you certainly don’t need to start using Console in two weeks (but why wait!).  Although you’ll have access to Console, Institution Admin will remain available to you for a period of time.Starting 8 weeks from today (6 weeks after you gain access to Console), the next time you login you’ll automatically be placed into the Console application and Institution Admin will no longer be accessible.


Institution Supervisor:

Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is coming!

In two weeks, you will be upgraded to our brand new Console application!   Don’t worry, we'll be here to   provide  you with updates on what to expect along the way.   

What is changing?
Console will be the single administrative and reporting application that will be used to administer and report on your learning programs.  

Console will replace Boost, providing you with a new and improved home to report on your institution and their learners.     

Starting in 2 weeks you’ll be able to access Console and test out all of the new and exciting functionality that it offers. You’ll receive another email letting you know when Console is available to use!

What do I need to do to prepare?
Tell you friends and read up on our documentation ([insert link to documentation here!)] to get a better view of what is coming.  Everything that is needed to get you access to Console (the keys to the car!) will be taken care of for you.   

Do I have to start using Console in 2 weeks?
No, you certainly don’t need to start using Console in two weeks (but why wait!).  Although you’ll have access to Console, Boost will remain available to you for a period of time.Starting 8 weeks from today (6 weeks after you gain access to Console), the next time you login you’ll automatically be placed into the Console application and Boost will no longer be accessible.


Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is coming!

In two weeks, you will be upgraded to our brand new Console application!   Don’t worry, we'll be here to   provide  you with updates on what to expect along the way.   


What is changing?
Console will be the single administrative and reporting application that will be used to administer and report on your learning programs.  Console will replace Boost, providing you with a new and improved home to report on your groups and their learners.     

What do I need to do to prepare?
Tell you friends and read up on our documentation ([insert link to documentation here!)] to get a better view of what is coming.  Everything that is needed to get you access to Console (the keys to the car!) will be taken care of for you.   

Do I have to start using Console in 2 weeks?
No, you certainly don’t need to start using Console in two weeks (but why wait!).  Although you’ll have access to Console, Boost will remain available to you for a period of time.Starting 8 weeks from today (6 weeks after you gain access to Console), the next time you login you’ll automatically be placed into the Console application and Boost will no longer be accessible 

Relevant Knowledge Base Articles

Step 2: Provisioning Partner Access to Console & Prepare for Step 3

Suggested Timeline: 6 weeks before upgrade complete


To minimize manual migration efforts and ensure appropriate access is provisioned to users designated by you, BenchPrep support team will migrate users into Console for you! The steps below outline tasks you need to take to initiate and complete the migration, as well as steps BenchPrep will take to ensure a smooth transition. 

When ready, BenchPrep will run a script which adds the new custom Console role and scopes it to the appropriate synced branch to all existing users who have an equivalent legacy role.  For example, all users with the Instructor role will be given the new Group Manager role.  If a user has multiple legacy roles, they will be granted new roles based on the table below.  For example, a user with an Institution Admin AND Institution Supervisor role will be given the Branch Supervisor AND Branch Manager role. 

New Custom Console Role Comparable Legacy Role
Branch Supervisor Division, District and Institution Supervisor
Branch Manager District and Institution Admin
Group Manager Instructor


Once access is provisioned: 

  • Users can begin to explore Console. We suggest leveraging “Division, District, and Institution Supervisors”, “District and Institution Admins” and “Instructor” sections of the Explore New Tools in Console article to help Partners learn more about their respective capabilities in Console. 
  • Users will NOT lose access to legacy B2B tools until Removal of Legacy Roles step (Step 5) is completed at a later date. More info to come. 

Provisioning Partner Access

  1. Review Explore New Tools in Console and Backwards compatibility between Enterprise Engine & Legacy B2B Tools to re-familiarize yourself with role comparison and backwards compatibility between Enterprise Engine and B2B tools.
  2. Confirm new roles exist in your tenant
    1. Login to Console
    2. Navigate to Settings and select Roles & Permissions
    3. Locate the New Roles and review their respective default permissions, by clicking on the Role Name. Reference the comparable legacy

      Legacy roles matrix:
      New Custom Console Role Comparable Legacy Role
      Branch Supervisor Division, District and Institution Supervisor
      Branch Manager District and Institution Admin
      Group Manager Instructor
  3. Once confirmed, reach out to Support requesting “Assignment of new custom roles to ALL existing comparable legacy users” for your tenant. NOTE: Learners will not be affected by this effort.  
  4. Allow up to 3 business days for our team to run a script and assign new roles to users within their respective branching hierarchies. Users will NOT receive any communication that a new role has been assigned to them. 
  5. After the request has been completed, access Console, locate a few users and confirm their role assignment and scope context.  


Few Considerations:

  • If you would like to complete the role migration in our staging environment first, indicate that in your support ticket. Reference the staging refresh schedule here to ensure your testing efforts do not interfere with our data refresh cycle.
  • If you would like to review the list of users to be migrated first and make any changes, you can export the list of users, per role, from Console, and provide a CSV of users you wish to include in the migration. To export users:
  1. Follow steps exporting steps from STEP 1 above. 
  2. Review the export to identify appropriate audiences for the communication and Review the CSV; remove users who you do not wish to migrate from the file.
  3. Save the csv file - we recommend the file name to be the legacy role name.  
  4. Repeat steps 1 - 3 for all roles you wish to review 
  5. Submit a ticket to our support team when ready, attach all of the CSVs to the ticket. Our team will only migrate users in respective CSVs. 
  6. Allow up to 3 business days for our team to run a script and assign new roles to users within their respective branching hierarchies. Users will NOT receive any communication that a new role has been assigned to them. 
  7. After the request has been completed, access Console, locate a few users and confirm their role assignment and scope context

Once steps above have been completed, prep for Step 3 to notify partners of access to Console. 

Step 3: Notify Partners of Access to Console

Suggested Timeline: 6 weeks before upgrade complete; this should happen in coordination with Step 2.


As soon as Console access is provisioned to legacy roles, we recommend notifying impacted users about using and exploring the new interfaces available to them.

We’ve provided suggested messaging and links to relevant articles below.

Reminder: You can share generic articles from BenchPrep’s Knowledge base or repurpose documentation to meet the needs of your use case and partners.  

Notify Impacted Roles via Email

Step 1: Identify your contacts

  • Refer to “Step 1: Notify existing partners of upcoming changes and timeline”

Step 2: Send your email notification


District Administrator

Subject Line: You’ve been upgraded to Console!

Starting today, you’ll have access to Console and can start to manage your learning program exclusively from Console. 

Want to know where to start?
Visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO YOUR SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!

Want to be a trendsetter in your organization?
Login and navigate to Console by clicking on the navigation in the upper-right hand corner and selecting Console. Everything you need to use Console should be right there and ready for you to use.  You can dive head-first and use it as your exclusive administrative application!

Not quite ready to check out everything Console has to offer? 
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to work cohesively in either District Admin or Console for the next six weeks.  Dip your toes into the Console waters, we’re confident you’ll be so excited that over the next six weeks you’ll start to use Console more and more, and eventually forget what District Admin even was.  


Institution Administrator 

Subject Line: You’ve been upgraded to Console!!

Starting today, you’ll have access to Console and can start to manage your learning program exclusively from Console.

Want to know where to start?
Visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO YOUR SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!    

Want to be a trendsetter in your organization?
Login and navigate to Console by clicking on the navigation in the upper-right hand corner and selecting Console. Everything you need to use Console should be right there and ready for you to use.  You can dive head-first and use it as your exclusive administrative application!

Not quite ready to check out everything Console has to offer? 
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to work cohesively in either Institution Admin or Console for the next six weeks.  Dip your toes into the Console waters, we’re confident you’ll be so excited that over the next six weeks you’ll start to use Console more and more, and eventually forget what Institution Admin even was


District Supervisor OR Institution Supervisor OR Instructor

Subject Line: You've been upgraded to Console!

Starting today, you’ll have access to Console and can start using it as your exclusive reporting application.  

Want to know where to start?
Visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO YOUR SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!    

Want to be a trendsetter in your organization?
Login and navigate to Console by clicking on the navigation in the upper-right hand corner and selecting Console. Everything you need to use Console should be right there and ready for you to use.  You can dive head-first and use it as your exclusive reporting destination!

Not quite ready to check out everything Console has to offer? 
Don’t worry, you’ll still be able to work cohesively in either Boost or Console for the next six weeks.  Dip your toes into the Console waters, we’re confident you’ll be so excited that over the next six weeks you’ll start to use Console more and more, and eventually forget what Boost even was.  


* NOTE - the knowledge base resources mentioned within template refer to any of your own knowledge base resources/materials that you have developed to guide customers through the transition. 

Relevant Knowledge Base Articles


Step 4: Remind users of sunset date 

Suggested Timeline: 4 weeks and 1 week before upgrade complete


We recommend reminding impacted users about the new interfaces and upgrade/sunset timeline at least twice.

We’ve provided suggested messaging and links to relevant articles below.

Reminder: You can share generic articles from BenchPrep’s Knowledge base or repurpose documentation to meet the needs of your use case and partners.  

Notify Impacted Roles via Email

Step 1: Identify your contacts

  • Refer to “Step 1: Notify existing partners of upcoming changes and timeline”

Step 2: Send your email notification


District Administrator

Subject Line: Your Upgrade is waiting!

We know work can be really busy and change can be scary, but don’t worry we’re here with everything you need to take full advantage of Console!  If you haven’t already, please visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!    

You already have access to Console, so what are you waiting for (this e-mail maybe?). 

In a few short weeks [INSERT EXACT TIMELINE HERE] Console will become your exclusive administrative and reporting application, and you will no longer have access to District Admin, so take Console for a test drive today!


Institution Administrator 

Subject Line: Your Upgrade is waiting!

We know work can be really busy and change can be scary, but don’t worry we’re here with everything you need to take full advantage of Console!  If you haven’t already, please visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!    

You already have access to Console, so what are you waiting for (this e-mail maybe?). 

In a few short weeks [INSERT EXACT TIMELINE HERE] Console will become your exclusive administrative and reporting application, and you will no longer have access to Institution Admin, so take Console for a test drive today!


District Supervisor OR Institution Supervisor OR Instructor

Subject Line: Your Upgrade is waiting!

We know work can be really busy and change can be scary, but don’t worry we’re here with everything you need to take full advantage of Console!  If you haven’t already, please visit our support page [INSERT LINK TO SUPPORT PAGE] which contains articles, how-tos and general guidance on what is possible in Console and how to do it!    

You already have access to Console, so what are you waiting for (this e-mail maybe?). 

In a few short weeks [INSERT EXACT TIMELINE HERE] Console will become your exclusive administrative and reporting application, and you will no longer have access to Boost, so take Console for a test drive today!


Relevant Knowledge Base Articles


Step 5: Remove legacy roles

Suggested Timeline: Final Week


BenchPrep will remove all legacy roles within your tenant, thus removing access to legacy tools (Boost and Institution Admin) for your partners. 


Removing Access

  1. If you would like this to happen sooner than planned with your Customer Success Manager, please reach out to Support requesting “Removal of partner legacy roles” for your tenant. Allow up to 3 business days for our team to run a script to remove all applicable roles. NOTE: Learners will not be affected by this effort. 
  2. Allow up to 3 business days for our team to run a script to remove roles. 
    NOTE: If you don’t request the role removal, the roles will be removed automatically in accordance with predetermined migration timelines.

Step 6: Notify partners sunset & upgrade is complete

Suggested Timeline: Final Week


Once legacy roles have been removed, we recommend notifying impacted users that the sunset and upgrade is complete.

We’ve provided suggested messaging and links to relevant articles below.

Reminder: You can share generic articles from BenchPrep’s Knowledge base or repurpose documentation to meet the needs of your use case and partners.  

Notify Impacted Roles via Email

Step 1: Identify your contacts

  • Refer to “Step 1: Notify existing partners of upcoming changes and timeline”

Step 2: Send your email notification

Subject Line: Your upgrade to Console is complete!

Today is the day, the training wheels are off.   The next time you login you’ll land directly in Console!

Don’t worry, we’re still here to help you and have a wealth of information to help you navigate Console and all the powerful new tools you have at your disposal!  

Documentation on your present and future (Console) can be found [insert link to console documentation]. 


Relevant Knowledge Base Articles

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