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2. Branch Reporting
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Basic Data

To access basic data points for a specific branch, follow these steps:


  1. Open Console and use the left-hand navigation to go to the Branches section.
  2. Select the branch you’d like to work with. 
  3. On the next page, select the Branch Reporting tab.


The Branch Reporting tab includes the following data points: 

  • Total number of child branches 
  • Total users in this branch
  • Total users in this branch AND its child branches 
  • Total enrollments of all users in this branch and its child branches (indicates how many different courses are in use by members of this branch hierarchy) 


Branch User Data

The User Dashboard page of the Analytics section in Console will adjust the user data it shows to you based on your roles and access context. If a user accesses the User Dashboard section as a branch manager (provided their branch manager role allows access to the Analytics section of Console), they will only see data for the members of the branch they manage. The data points shown will not change - just which users’ data is available. 


Branch managers can also select specific users to view more detailed progress and performance data for that user, or select a course that user has access to to view course-specific data. 


For more information about the User Dashboard page, review the Console Analytics section of the Knowledge Base. 

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