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Practice Session and Question Answer Results Reports
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Please review the description of each value field in the Practice Session Results Report:

Field Name Description
User ID BenchPrep ID of user
User Name Display name of user
User Email Email address of user
Course ID ID of the course
Course Name Name of the course
Practice Session ID ID of the practice session
Practice Session Date Date and time of the practice session
Practice Session Category Category of the practice session
Practice Session Subcategory Subcategory of the practice session
Practice Session Duration Duration of the practice session (in seconds)
Answered Question Count Number of questions answered during the session
Percent Correct Percentage of questions answered correctly in the session
Average Answer Time Average time, in seconds, it takes student to select an answer
Average Answer Correct Time Average time, in seconds, it takes student to select an answer when that answer is correct
Average Answer Incorrect Time Average time, in seconds, it takes student to select an answer when that answer is incorrect
Answers Count Total number of questions answered in this session only
Deleted at Date practice questions were reset
User SIS ID Student Identification System ID (if applicable)
User UUID Universally Unique ID of User (if applicable)


Question Answer Results

Please review the description of each value field in the Question Answer Results Report:


Field Name Description
User ID BenchPrep ID of user
User Name Display name of user
User Email Email address of user
Course ID ID of the course
Course Name Name of the course
Question ID BenchPrep ID of question
Question Category Category of the question
Question Subcategory Subcategory of the question (if applicable)
Question Type Question type (i.e. multiple choice, free response, etc.)
Question Choice Submitted Answer submitted by the user
Correct Answer Correct answer of the question
Question Correct If the user got the question correct (True or False)
Answer Time How long the user spent answering the question
Exam ID ID of the exam the question belongs to (if applicable)
Exam Name Name of the exam the question belongs to (if applicable)
Exam Section ID ID of the exam section the question belongs to (if applicable)
Exam Section Name of the exam section the question belongs to (if applicable)
User SIS ID Student Identification System ID (if applicable)
User UUID Universally Unique ID of User (if applicable)


NOTE: Question Answer Result report will be scoped to the last 6 months.  

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