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Managing Users
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There are many functions available within the Institution Admin Dashboard.  You can create and edit student, instructor, and admin users in the dashboard.  You can create and manage groups within your institution.  You can also assign contracts to student, instructor, and admin users.  You also have the ability to deactivate users.


To learn how to create and manage groups, click here.

To learn how to deactivate users, click here and to learn how to assign contracts, click here.


In the Institution Admin Dashboard Page there is a left hand navigation bar available to access students, instructors, admins, groups, and contracts. 



When accessing the students listing page you have the ability to filter the users.  You can filter for users by name, email, sis id, contracts, and access status. If you only want to include users with an active contract check the Only users with an active contract box.  You can also include any deactivated users by checking the Include deactivated users box.



When accessing the instructors listing page you have the ability to filter the users.  Just like students you can filter for users by name, email, sis id, contracts, and access status.  If you only want to include users with an active contract check the Only users with an active contract box.  You can also include any deactivated users by checking the Include deactivated users box.  To view users that a have seat excluded from a contract select the box Only users who have a seat excluded from a contract.



To create and edit student, instructor, and admin users in the Institution Admin Dashboard follow the steps below. 


Creating Users

The Institution Admin dashboard is the ideal place to create students, instructors, and admins for your institution because this dashboard also allows you to grant users course access and add them to groups. The role(s) you give to a user determine which areas of the platform they can access.


  • A student is a user who only has access to one or more courses. Their progress and performance data is available in the Boost Dashboard to institution supervisors and to instructors who are in the same group as the student. 
  • An instructor is a user who has access to course content and the Boost Dashboard. In order for an instructor to see data in the Boost Dashboard about a particular student, they must be in the same group as that student. Data about the instructor’s progress and performance within their courses is not available in the Boost Dashboard. 
  • An admin is a user who needs access to more high-level functionality. If desired, admins can receive access to courses, but admins cannot be part of a group and their progress and performance data is not visible in the Boost Dashboard.
    • There are two types of admins you can create in the Institution Admin dashboard:
      1. An Institution Admin is a user who can use the Institution Admin dashboard to manage users and groups for their institution.
      2. An Institution Supervisor is a user within this institution who has access to all student, group, and institution analytics in the Boost Dashboard.    

While creating users, you have the option to give them multiple roles. However, keep in mind that users with either of the admin roles cannot be members of a group. 

You can create users via a manual form, a CSV upload, or by generating user accounts. 

Creating Users Manually


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Students in the left-hand navigation menu. 
  2. Select the New Students button on the left-hand side of the page, then select Add Student from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the next page, add the user’s name and email address.
    • The password field is optional - if left blank, the user will receive an activation email that contains instructions to set their own password. If you add a password for the student, make sure to communicate to them what the password is so they are able to access the platform.
    • The SIS ID is also optional - use it to assign your own unique IDs to students, if you would like
  4. Select the contract this user should be part of using the drop-down menu. The contract will determine how long the student has access to courses, and which courses they have access to. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default.
  5. Once you’ve selected the contract, select the courses this user should have access to.
  6. Select the Create button to finish creating the student. 


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Instructors in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select the New Instructors button on the left-hand side of the page, then select Add Instructor from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the next page, add the user’s name and email address. The password field is optional - if it’s left blank, the user will receive an activation email that contains instructions to set their own password. If you add a password for the user, make sure to communicate to them what the password is so they are able to access the platform.
  4. If you want this user to have a role other than instructor, check the box next to Institution Admin or Institution Supervisor
  5. Select the contract this user should be part of using the drop-down menu. The contract will determine how long the user has access to courses, and which courses they have access to. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default.
  6. Once you’ve selected the contract, check the box next to any and all of the courses on this contract that this user should have access to.
  7. Select the Create button to finish creating the instructor. 


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Admins in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select the New Admin button on the right-hand side of the page.
  3. On the next page, add the user’s name and email address. The password field is optional - if it’s left blank, the user will receive an activation email that contains instructions to set their own password. If you add a password for the user, make sure to communicate to them what the password is so they are able to access the platform.
  4. Check the box(es) next to the role(s) you want this admin to have.
  5. Select the Create button to finish creating the admin. 

Creating Users via CSV Upload

You also have the option of using a CSV upload to create multiple student or instructor users simultaneously. It is not currently possible to create admin users via CSV upload. 

This section will cover uploading separate CSVs for student and instructor users. Uploading students and instructors using the same CSV is only possible when creating groups via CSV upload. To learn more about this process, please refer to the article on Managing Groups.


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Students in the left-hand navigation menu. 
  2. Select the New Students button on the left-hand side of the page, then select Upload Multiple from the drop-down menu.
  3. Open a spreadsheet-editing tool (Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets work well for this) and follow the instructions listed on the next page exactly.
  4. Save your spreadsheet as a .csv file.
  5. Select the contract the users listed in the CSV file should be part of using the drop-down menu. The contract will determine how long the user has access to courses, and which courses they have access to. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default.
  6. Once you’ve selected the contract, check the box next to all of the courses on this contract that these users should have access to. 
  7. Select the Choose File button and locate your CSV file.
  8. Select the Upload button to begin the upload.
    • Immediately after the upload begins, you will receive either a green “success” pop-up or a red “failure” pop-up at the top of your screen. If you receive a red pop-up, it’s likely that your CSV has a formatting error that prevents the database from processing it correctly. Please refer to the “How to Create a CSV for Upload” article for troubleshooting instructions. 
    • If you receive a green pop-up, the upload began successfully. When the upload is complete, you’ll receive an email confirming the upload is done and telling you how many users were uploaded. If an error prevented the database from processing a specific row of data, the email will also note this.


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Instructors in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select the New Instructors button on the left-hand side of the page, then select Upload Multiple from the drop-down menu.
  3. Open a spreadsheet-editing tool (Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets work well for this) and follow the instructions listed on the next page exactly.
  4. Save your spreadsheet as a .csv file.
  5. Select the contract the users listed in the CSV file should be part of using the drop-down menu. The contract will determine how long the user has access to courses, and which courses they have access to. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default. If necessary, you may exclude instructors from the contract's seat count, allowing you to add more users to the contract.
  6. Once you’ve selected the contract, check the box next to all of the courses on this contract that these users should have access to.
  7. Select the Choose File button and locate your CSV file.
  8. Select the Upload button to begin the upload.
    • Immediately after the upload begins, you will receive either a green “success” pop-up or a red “failure” pop-up at the top of your screen. If you receive a red pop-up, it’s likely that your CSV has a formatting error that prevents the database from processing it correctly. Please refer to the “How to Create a CSV for Upload” article for troubleshooting instructions.
    • If you receive a green pop-up, the upload began successfully. When the upload is complete, you’ll receive an email confirming the upload is done and telling you how many users were uploaded. If an error prevented the database from processing a specific row of data, the email will also note this.

Creating users via Account Generation

If an institution’s students do not have email addresses or do not want to use their own email addresses for their BenchPrep account, you can generate accounts for them with fake email addresses. This option is only available for student users.


  1. In the Institution Admin dashboard, select Students in the left-hand navigation menu.
  2. Select the New Students button on the right-hand side of the page, then select Generate Student Accounts from the drop-down menu.
  3. On the next page, set up the parameters for the generated accounts:
    1. Select the prefix for the generated accounts.
      • The prefix appears in the fake email address assigned to each user to indicate a) which batch of students this account is part of and b) that this account uses a fake email address. A prefix for University of Illinois at Chicago students, for example, could be “uic.”
    2. Enter the number of accounts you want to generate in the "count" field.
      • If you wanted to create 10 accounts for the UIC students, you would enter “10” here. The email addresses associated with these accounts would be [email protected], [email protected], etc.
    3. Enter a password in the password field.
      • All generated users will use this password to log in to the platform for the first time; once they’ve logged in, they can and should change their password. Do not leave this field blank - because these email addresses are fake, there is no way for a student to receive an activation email.
  4. Select the contract the users listed in the CSV file should be part of using the drop-down menu. The contract will determine how long the user has access to courses, and which courses they have access to. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default.
  5. Once you’ve selected the contract, check the box next to all of the courses on this contract that these users should have access to.
  6. Select the Generate button to begin the account generation process.

Editing Users

In addition to creating users, you can edit users in the Institution Admin dashboard manually or via CSV uploads.

Editing Users Manually

  1. Open the Institution Admin dashboard.
  2. If you are editing a student, select Students from the left-hand navigation menu. If you are editing an instructor, select Instructors; if you are editing an admin, select Admins.
  3. Select the user that you want to edit. If you don’t see the user you want to work with, you can either use the Filters to search for them by name or sort the user listing by one of the columns using the arrow icons next to the applicable column names.
  4. On the user’s details page, select the Edit button.
  5. Update the user’s name, email address, or password. If you are editing an instructor or admin user, you will also have the option to add or remove admin roles from their account.
  6. Select the Update button to finalize the changes.

Editing Users via CSV Upload

  1. Open the Institution Admin dashboard. 
  2. If you are editing students, select Students from the left-hand navigation menu. If you are editing instructors, select Instructors. It is not possible to edit admins via CSV upload at this time.
  3. Select the New Students or New Instructors button on the left-hand side of the page, then select Upload Multiple from the drop-down menu.
  4. Open a spreadsheet-editing tool (Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets work well for this) and follow the instructions listed exactly. To edit an existing user, add that user’s information to the CSV exactly as shown on their user details page in the Institution Admin dashboard (do not add a password). Then, change the field that you want updated in the CSV.
  5. Save your spreadsheet as a .csv file.
  6. Select the contract the users listed in the CSV file should be part of using the drop-down menu. If this institution only has one contract, that contract is selected by default.
    1. If you don’t want to make any changes to the users’ contracts, select a contract they are already part of.
    2. If you want to add the users on this CSV to a new contract, select that contract here.
  7. Once you’ve selected the contract, check the box next to all of the courses on this contract that these users should have access to.
    1. If you don’t want to make changes here, check the boxes next to the courses users on this CSV already have access to.
    2. If you do want to give the users on this CSV access to new courses, check the boxes next to the course(s) you want to provide them access to.
  8. Select the Browse.. button and locate your CSV file.
  9. Select the Upload button to begin the upload.
    • Immediately after the upload begins, you will receive either a green “success” pop-up or a red “failure” pop-up at the top of your screen. If you receive a red pop-up, it’s likely that your CSV has a formatting error that prevents the database from processing it correctly. Please refer to the How to Create a CSV for Uploading article for troubleshooting instructions. 
    • If you receive a green pop-up, the upload began successfully. When the upload is complete, you’ll receive an email confirming the upload is done and telling you how many rows of data were processed. If an error prevented the database from processing a specific row of data, the email will also note this. 

Note: User names, emails or passwords cannot be edited/updated via a CSV upload.

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