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Showing articles from import tag

Importing Lessons & Lesson Categories

### Importing lessons and lesson categories into a course that is in a conversion state will completely replace any previously existing lesson & lesson categories. 1. _View _the_ _**Breakdown of Spreadsheet**_ section below_, and_ download _the **Lesson Import Template**_._ The order of column headers must match th…

Importing Flashcards & Flashcard Categories

### Importing flashcards into a course that is in a **conversion **state will completely replace any previously existing flashcards. Once a course is in a **published** state, you will only be able to add additional flashcards via an import. ## Instructions 1. _View_ the "Breakdown of Spreadsheet" section below, a…

Using Custom (External) IDs

BluePrint will give every question an internal ID, but if you have your own identifiers, you can use those IDs in BluePrint as well. These identifiers are known as External IDs. External IDs do not need to be unique and typically use numbers, letters, and punctuation marks. The External IDs are not visible to learners…

Importing Questions & Question Categories

### **Importing questions into a course that is in a conversion state will completely replace any previously existing questions. Once a course is in a published state, you will only be able to add additional questions via an import.** ## Instructions 1. _View_ the “Breakdown of Spreadsheet” section below. 1.…

Using the Import Tool

How can I use the Import tool? BluePrint’s Import tools are powerful, fast ways to automate portions of your course build. To use these tools, you’ll have to organize your course into CSV files (spreadsheets) with accepted columns, and then you can import those spreadsheets to batch create courses in BluePrint. To im…

Importing Images & Multimedia Assets

**Images and Multimedia Assets **(videos, audio files, etc.) can be uploaded before embedding them into your lessons, flashcards, or questions. Both asset types can be uploaded in bulk using the Import Tool in BluePrint. Our platform re-encodes each file in order to make it available on all devices and serve it using …

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