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Showing articles from learning hub tag

2. Configuring Custom Pages

Review the sections below to learn how to create and manage custom pages in My Learning Section of Learning Hub. Check out [Managing My Learning Tabs][1] article to learn how to configure any Custom Pages and Learning Hub's default tabs for optimal user experience. ## Creating a Custom Page A Console Admin or a user…

1. Intro to Custom Pages in Learning Hub

BenchPrep’s **Custom Pages** functionality enables you to enhance Learning Hub’s presentation to learners by allowing you to seamlessly create Custom Pages via a text editor in Console using rich-text or HTML. Custom Pages can include links, images, or instructions. The pages are displayed as horizontal tabs within th…

3. Assigning Learning Products to Categories

Once the product catalog has been implemented users with an admin role or a custom role with manage:product_categories permission can associate categories in Console. Only courses that are **Browsable** will be visible when utilizing the Filters on Browse page. Learn more about configuring courses for Learning Hub [he…

1. Intro to Product Catalog

BenchPrep’s Product Catalog functionality allows you to classify learning products according to a predefined taxonomy. Once configured, learners can seamlessly search and explore learning products within Learning Hub’s Browse page via enhanced filtering capabilities. Learn more about Browse page [here][1]. Benefits o…

2. Configuring a Product Catalog

Product Catalog configuration requires coordination with BenchPrep to implement. This implementation will require you to submit the required CSV to the Support Team. In order to take advantage of this functionality, please plan out the following before setting up your CSV: 1. Identify Group Category names. Group Ca…

4. Configuring Branch Level Content for Learning Hub Browse Page

Console’s flexible branch functionality allows you to differentiate which content is displayed on the Learning Hub’s Browse page. Limit the content displayed to learners within a specific branch and allow learners to self- enroll into their branch’s tailored plan directly from their customized [Browse Page][1]. A lea…

Feature Access: Course Home, Study Plan, and Learning Hub

Feature accesses allow for greater configurability and can be enabled at the tenant, course, or branch/institution level depending on the feature. These features can be turned on/off within Console or Tenant Dashboard, while some can only be toggled by BenchPrep Admins. Below please find Feature accesses related to C…

Browsing in Learning Hub

The **Browse** section of Learning Hub is a catalog of free and for purchase **C****ourses**, **E****vents**, and **R****esources**. From Learning Hub, you can: * _Search_ any course, event, or resource from the **Search Bar** * _Sort_ _by_ Recently Added, Alphabetical, etc. using the **Sort By Dropdown** * _C…

Navigating the My Learning Section

The** My Learning**** **page provides an organized and comprehensive view of all of the courses and events your learners are enrolled in or have saved for later. Learners can easily navigate through different options. Learning Hub comes with the following default tabs: * **In Progress:** courses they have engaged…

Configuring a Course for Learning Hub

When creating a new course, _fill out_ the **description section **with a brief description of the course, which will be visible to learners once the course is live: ![][1] For an existing course, you can modify the description field by _clicking_ on the **Edit Course **button and updating the **Description** field.…

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