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Showing articles from course tag

Content Styling Overview

While BenchPrep comes set up with basic styling for all content, you can customize it with CSS to give your content a look and feel unique to your branding. For consistency, we have given you the ability to set custom styling at the Tenant level. Any styling set at the Tenant level will automatically apply to all con…

How do I report an error within a course?

To report a content error within Flashcards, Questions and Lessons follow these steps: 1. Locate a small, grey link that reads **Report Content Errors **underneath appropriate lesson, flashcard or question. 3_. Click _on the **Report Content Errors** link to pull up a small error reporting form. **![][1]** **NOTE:…

Granting Course Access to Users

When creating a student or instructor user in the Institution Admin dashboard, you must assign the user to a contract that grants them access to at least one course. You also have the ability to assign existing users to additional contracts to authorize them for more courses. You can also assign existing admin users t…

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