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Showing articles from notifications tag

In-App Messages FAQs

* **Can I send more than one message to a user?** Yes, you can send them as many messages as you’d like. * **Is there a character limit to my message?** No, there is no character limit. * **If I edit the subject or message text of my message, will users who already received it be able to see the new update…

Intro to In-App Messages

In the Communication Suite, **In-App Messages** allow you to send messages to your learners. They can serve as an alert, announcement, notification, reminder, or more. These messages will appear within a learner’s course in their Notification Center inbox. Whenever they receive a new in-app message, a red dot will app…

Configuring In-App Messages

## Creating a Message To create a message, follow these steps: 1. _Navigate_ to Console, _expand_ the **Communication** tab, and _click_ on **Messages**. 2. _Click_ on **Create Message**. ![][1] 3. _Type in_ a **subject** and **message** for your in-app message. _Click_ on **Next** to continue. ![][2] …

Managing In-App Messages

**In-App Messages** allow you to send messages to your learners. They can serve as an alert, announcement, notification, reminder, or more. These messages will appear within a learner’s course in their Notification Center inbox. Whenever they receive a new in-app message, a red dot will appear on the envelope icon and…

Feature Access: Other Features

Feature accesses allow for greater configurability and can be enabled at the tenant, course, or branch/institution level depending on the feature. These features can be turned on/off within Console or Tenant Dashboard, while some can only be toggled by BenchPrep Admins. Below please find Feature accesses for our othe…

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