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Home > Manage Users & Settings > Console > Events > Configuring Recognitions for Learning Hub Events
Configuring Recognitions for Learning Hub Events
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After creating a Learning Hub Event, you can add a recognition that will be awarded to learners that have attended your event. If you have not yet created an event, check out our Configuring Learning Hub Events article.

Adding an Event Recognition

To add a recognition to your event, follow the steps below. If you have not yet added recognition types for your tenant, check out our article here for further instructions.


  1. Navigate to Console, expand the Learning tab, and click on Events.
  2. Click on the Learning Hub tab and the name of your event.
  3. Click on the Recognitions tab.
  4. Click on Add Recognition.
  5. Type in the name of the recognition.
  6. If the recognition should automatically be awarded to all attendees after the event ends, check the box “Automatically awarded when launching event.”
  7. Input a Credly badge ID and/or credit hours for this recognition.
  8. Click on Add. Once the recognition is added to your event, it cannot be edited. Also, no additional recognitions can be added.


Deleting an Event Recognition

To delete a recognition from your event, follow the steps below. Only events with a status of Scheduled can have recognitions deleted.


  1. Navigate to Console, expand the Learning tab, and click on Events.
  2. Click on the Learning Hub tab and the name of your event.
  3. Click on the Recognitions tab.
  4. Click on Remove next to the recognition to delete it.
  5. Click on Remove again to confirm.


Awarding Event Recognitions

Recognitions can be awarded automatically or manually to learners that have attended your event.



When adding an event recognition, make sure to check the box “Automatically awarded when launching event.” After the event ends, all attendees will automatically be awarded the recognition. If a learner registered for the event but did not join in time, they will not be awarded the recognition.



To view all registrants who joined your event:

  1. Navigate to Console, expand the Learning tab, and click on Events.
  2. Click on the Learning Hub tab and the name of your event.
  3. Click on the Registrants tab.
  4. Learners that joined your event will have a timestamp appear under the “Join Time (UTC)” column. If they’ve been awarded a recognition, it will display as Awarded under the Recognition column.



If you’d prefer to manually award recognitions, do not check the box “Automatically awarded when launching event” when adding an event recognition. When the event’s status is active or completed, you’ll be able to award the recognition to learners with the steps below:


  1. Navigate to Console, expand the Learning tab, and click on Events.
  2. Click on the Learning Hub tab and the name of your event.
  3. Click on the Registrants tab.
  4. Learners that joined your event will have a timestamp appear under the “Join Time (UTC)” column and can be awarded the recognition.
    1. Click on Award All to award the recognition to all attendees.

    2. Select learners that you’d like to award the recognition to, and click on Award Selected.

    3. Click on Award next to an individual learner to award them the recognition.

      NOTE: If no recognitions are associated to an event, the Award and Award All buttons will be grayed out.
  5. Once they’ve been awarded the recognition, it will display as Awarded under the Recognition column.
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