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4. Assignment Grader Roles
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The Assignments feature enables learners to create and submit longform responses to a question or upload a file for submission. Based on the Assignments configuration, learners can submit an assignment to a grader for Feedback or a Grade (score), or self-grade their assignments. 

Learn more about Assignments click here.

Learn how to configure Assignments in BluePrint click here.

Assignments Grader Console Permissions 

A user with Access to Blueprint and Manage Assignments Console permissions will have the ability to:

  • Claim assignments
  • Grade assignments and submit feedback
  • Review and update feedback/score for all assignments within their tenant
  • Remove a claim from a Grader

A user with Access BluePrint and Grade Assignments Console permissions will have the ability to:

  • Claim Assignments
  • Grade assignments and Submit Feedback

A custom role with these permissions can be created in Console.  To learn more about assigning permissions in Console to create specific roles click here.  


After completing and creating the custom role for a grader, the role will need to be assigned at the content package level.  Follow the steps below to assign a role at the content package level:

  1. Access Console and click on Users.
  2. Select the user you want to assign the custom grading role to.
  3. Next click Assign Role and select the custom role.
  4. After selecting the role you will need to select the content package.
  5. Search for the content package (course) then select it and click Save to assign the role.
  6. Once saved, the specific content package scope will display when you expand the user's role.

    NOTE: If one Grader needs the role assigned to multiple content packages, follow the steps above for each content package. A role can only be assigned to one content package at a time. If multiple Graders need the same role assigned to the same content package you can use the Editing User Roles in Bulk functionality to bulk assign a role scoped to one content package to multiple users

Accessing the Assignment Panel


  1. Login into BluePrint.
  2. Next, click on Assignments in the left hand navigation bar.
  3. The Assignments Panel will display Unclaimed Reviews, Claimed Reviews, and Completed Reviews.
  • Unclaimed Reviews - Displays assignments that learners have submitted and have not been claimed.
  • Claimed Reviews - Displays assignments that have been submitted by a learner and have been claimed.
  • Completed Reviews - Displays assignments that have been submitted by a learner and have been graded or feedback has been provided.

Claiming an Assignment

Users with a custom role containing the Console permission Access BluePrint, and Grading Assignments can claim assignments submitted by a learner.

To Claim an Assignment:

  1. Access BluePrint.
  2. Select the Assignments option on the left hand side menu.
  3. Next Select Unclaimed Reviews.

The following data points about each assignment will appear on the Unclaimed Review page:

  • Submitter - Name of learner submitting an Assignment
  • Assignment Name -  Name of the Assignment as set in BluePrint
  • Grading Category - Grading Category as set in BluePrint
  • Course Name - name of course that has the Assignment
  • Type - Direct (Written Assignment) or File Submission
  • Submitted Date - Date user submitted assignment 
  • Submitted For - Submission for Score or Feedback

     Use the search bar or filter by Course Name, or Assignment type to locate a specific assignment.

    4. Select the Assignment you would like to claim to display assignment details on the page.

    5. Click Claim in the top right corner to claim the assignment.

    6. A status message will notify you that the Assignment has been successfully claimed.

  1. Once an assignment has been claimed it will be added to the Claimed Reviews section. You can unclaim the assignment or submit grade and/or feedback (based on the assignment type). To unclaim an assignment select Remove Claim to make it available to another authorized grader.  A confirmation box will appear click  Yes, remove claim.

Submitting Feedback and Grading an Assignment

To Submit Feedback or Grade for an assignment follow these steps:

  1. In the Assignment tab click on Claimed Reviews.
  2. Select the assignment submitted for Feedback or a Grade (Score).
  3. Next click Grade in the top right corner.

  4. The right-hand side contains the Feedback section consisting of a comment text box and additional Trait Feedback sections (if configured).  Leave any comments for the learner to review.  The grading section consists of an Overall Score and a Comment text box.  Leave any  comments for the learner to review.
  5.  Once feedback or a grade has been provided, select:

    Save - if you want to save your work and come back to this screen at a later time to continue OR

    Save and Submit - if you are ready to submit feedback or a grade to the learner. When Save & Submit is chosen, a dialogue box will appear, select Yes, submit review.

    NOTE: When submitting a grade for review you will no longer be able to edit the Assignment.

    After feedback or a grade has been submitted, the learner will receive a notification.  The submitted assignment will appear under the Completed Reviews section.

Removing a Claim from a Claimed Assignment

If a Grader has claimed an assignment but is unable to complete a review, a user with a role containing the Access BluePrint and Manage Assignments permissions will have the ability to remove the claim.

To remove a claim from another user follow these steps:

  1. Access BluePrint.
  2. Select the Assignments option on the left hand side menu.
  3. Click on Claimed Reviews.
  4. Locate the Grader that you want to remove the claim from and click on the Grader.
  5. Next click on Remove Claim in the top right corner.
  6. Select Yes, Remove Claim to remove the claim.
  7. You will receive confirmation you have successfully removed the claim.
  8. Once a claim has been removed from a user the assignment will be added to the Unclaimed Reviews section and will be available to be claimed by other authorized Graders.

Updating Feedback and Grade

NOTE: Only users with the permission Access BluePrint and Manage Assignments and will be able to update Feedback and Grades.

To update Feedback and a Grade for an assignment follow these steps:

  1. Select the Assignment you want to update from the Completed Reviews page.
  2. Next select Grade to update the Feedback or Grade.  On the details page you will be able to see the Number of Reviews, Last Review Date (date assignment was graded) and the Grader.

  3. Next update the Feedback or Grade for the assignment and leave comments for the learner.
  4. Once you have updated the Feedback or Grade click Save and Submit. A dialogue box will appear, select Yes, Submit Updated Feedback or Yes, Submit Score.
  5. The learner will now receive the notification that their Feedback or Grade has been updated. The default copy of the email will be sent to the learner.

    Updated Feedback Notification Example: 

    Subject line: You have received an updated Feedback
    Hi [learner’s display name],
    You have updated Feedback on your Assignment [assignment name]

    Updated Grade Notification Example:

    Subject line: You have received an updated Assignment Score
    Hi [learner’s display name],
    You have an updated grade on your Assignment [assignment name]

    The assignment name shown in the email’s body is the name of the assignment set in BluePrint.

Setting Claim Limits for a Category

NOTE:  Only a Console Admin will be able to set claim limits for categories.

A Grader can only claim assignments for the specific content package (course) that their role has been scoped to.  Setting a Claim Limit for a category allows the Grader to only claim a certain number of assignments per course and per category within the content package (course) their role has access to.  Setting claim limits is a good way to manage how many assignments each grader can claim per category, per course.


To set a Claim Limit Category for a Grader follow these steps:

  1. First access Console and locate the Grader you want to set claim limits for.  
  2. After locating the Grader expand the drop down menu next to their Role.

  3. Click on the pencil icon to open Edit Grading Categories.
  4. You can set Claim Limits by clicking on the Limited radial button and then choosing the number of assignments a user can claim for a specific Grading Category. By default the Claim Limit is set to Unlimited.  If Unlimited is selected there will not be a limit set for that Grading Category. 

    For example, if the limit for a category is set to 5, this grader will only be able to claim 5 assignments within that category.  Once the 5 assignments have been claimed, the grader will not be able to claim any more assignments for that category. 

    If the category is unlimited a grader will not have a limit on the assignments they can claim for that category.
  5. Once the Claim Limits have been set click Save.  The updated Claim Limits will display next to the categories.
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