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Assets and Milestones
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Assets are compatible with BenchPrep’s Milestones feature. In other words, using milestones, you can require learners to complete an asset in order to access other content or, or you can require learners to complete certain content in order to access one or more assets. You can also require learners to obtain a certain passing score in order to access other content. More about asset completion criteria can be found in Configuring Milestones article.


Just like how assets behave slightly differently based on their location, the behavior of a milestone that uses assets will differ based on the location of those assets. 

Interactions section 


Content managers can use assets in the Interactions section as unlock criteria or as unlockable  content. To do so, designate the asset as unlock criteria/unlockable content during the milestone creation process. 


If an Interactions section-based asset is acting as a milestone’s unlock criteria, the learner must meet the completion criteria of the asset in order to complete that milestone and unlock the next milestone. Depending on the asset type, completion criteria are established in the content authoring tool where the asset was created (SCORM, cmi5, xAPI, LTI, AICC) or within BluePrint during the asset upload process (PDF, video/audio). URL assets are marked as "complete" as soon as the learner accesses the URL.

Embedded in a Lesson 


Content managers can also use lessons that contain embedded assets as unlock criteria or as unlockable content. To do so, designate the lesson as unlock criteria/unlockable content during the milestone creation process. 


If a lesson is acting as a milestone’s unlock criteria, marking a Confidence Level on that lesson will complete the milestone and unlock the next milestone. The learner will not be required to meet the embedded asset’s individual completion criteria to complete the lesson.



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