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Adding Question Content in BluePrint
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To create a new question manually:

  1. Log into BluePrint

  2. Click Courses

  3. Click the Name of the Desired Course

  4. Click Questions on the left navigation bar

  5. Click New Question on the upper right

Just like creating a lesson, the same rich-text editor appears when creating questions. Depending on how you wish to configure your answer explanation content (Basic Rationale or

Rationale by Answer Choice) will change the display you will create your answer types in.


  • Basic Rationale allows you to create a basic answer using the rich-text editor.

  • Rationale by Answer Choice will allow you to create questions using a multiple choice-answer select or single answer select, as well as table entry questions. Only available if the course is using side by side questions.


Assigning a Question Category

When creating or editing a question, you will need to assign it to a category. In the Category field, select the category you wish to assign.


If you'd like to create a new category, click on Add A New Category. A new window will appear where you'll be able to create a parent category or choose from a pre-existing one (optional), and then create a child category.


Question-to-Lesson Connections

In Review mode of any Practice Question, a learner can view related lesson material. To the right of the question is a “Learn More About this Topic” link. Upon selection, related instructional content will pop-up in the same window. The same connection is visible in the Table of Contents (Lessons module) and on the respective Lesson page. Alongside lesson titles in the Table of Contents, a quiz icon will take any learner to related practice questions.


You can configure lesson-question connections while creating and editing questions. If connections are used, a best practice is to align your question categories with your lesson categories so that learners can be confident that they're reviewing content from the correct categories. More information on this can be found here.



Viewing and Editing Questions

To view all questions you've created in your course, navigate to the Questions tab. From here, you'll be able to see a list of your questions and the following: 

  • Question ID and external ID
  • Question content and category
  • Associated test, passage, and bank question ID (if applicable)
  • Support languages
  • Question creation method (manual or AI)
  • Action items (view and edit)


To view a question, click on the question's ID or the eye icon.

To edit a question, click on the pencil icon. If you'd like to batch edit multiple questions (e.g. assign questions to another category), check out our article here.

To preview a question, hover over the question's content and a tooltip will appear. You can also click on the expand icon next to the "Preview" column header to view more of the question's content. The preview will then display up to 400 characters of the question.


Practice Question Features


Learner Experience

Recommendations/Additional Information

This question

Timer keeps track of time spent answering the current practice question. In Review Mode, all individual question times are viewable to a learner.


Gives a user a glimpse into what their timing would be like for a formal examination.

Useful in locating questions that required more work than others and areas where a learner could become more efficient. 


Timer shows the total time a learner is spending in the current practice session.

Encourage the learner to use it as a time management tool.

Question #

Shows a learner the number of questions they have completed and have left to complete before finishing the Study Task (if they came from the Study Plan) or category of questions (if they came from the Practice dashboard).


Provides direction and transparency as a learner tests their knowledge.


Done Practicing

Selecting this will end the learners current practice question session and return them back to the Practice module or Study Plan, depending on where they started the questions.

Allows users to enter and exit practice question sets as they please, creating optimal flexibility for course completion.

Question Category

At the top of every practice question is the question category. The same category appears in the Practice dashboard.

Reminds learners what lesson material is being tested.

Review Answer

A toggle operated by the learner. 


When toggled on, a learner sees whether or not they answered a question correctly and answer rationale immediately after answer submission. 


When off, a learner is directed to the next question without any feedback on the previous question.

This toggle gives a learner agency and flexibility over the practice environment. 


Turning it on allows for immediate remediation.

Difficulty Level

Each question can be marked with a difficulty level from “Easy” to “Expert” or left Unrated. 


The rating is visible to the learner. 


This ranking can appear during the practice session as well as in Review Mode, depending on the course’s needs.

Helps learners understand their level of expertise, depending on how they responded to questions of varying difficulty. 


Primes a learner’s performance expectations on any formal examination.


If you have existing difficulty data for your questions, BenchPrep can add these difficulty ratings for you. Otherwise, the platform will collect users’ performance data over time to determine the difficulty of each question. To learn more, check out our article here.


For more information about navigating practice questions and using tools, check out our article here. Also, more about practice question feature accesses can be found here.

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