To view real-time test data, open the Boost Dashboard and use the left-hand menu to open the Test Reports section.
The test listing on this page includes all test attempts for all users whose data you have permission to view. For each test attempt, you’ll be able to view the following data points:
- User Name
- User Email Address
- Course Name
- Test Name
- Date
- Attempt # (i.e. if the user has attempted this test multiple times, which attempt is this? If the user has only attempted the test once, this field will show “1.”)
- Test Score (this only populates if the test has scaled scoring)
- Test State (Complete or incomplete)
- % Score
- Institution
Use the arrow icons next to each of these columns to sort the listing by this field in ascending or descending order. You can also use the Filters button to filter the listing by user name, courses, institution name, groups, and/or the timeframe the tests were completed in. Marking the Current test scores only checkbox will hide scores on tests that users have since reset.
Data Exclusive to Test Reports
The Test Reports section is the only place that exposes the date that a user took a specific test attempt and the number of times a user has attempted a test. All additional information in this section is available in the Analytics section of the Boost Dashboard (though not in real time).