May 13, 2022
Institution and District Admins can use the Institution Admin dashboard to control how many times users in this institution can attempt exams.
- Open the Institution Admin dashboard
- Select Settings from the left-hand navigation menu
- Select the Edit button
- Add the desired number of exam resets in the field shown
- This reset limit, if set, will apply to every course a student has access to.
- This reset limit does not apply to students in other institutions who have access to the same courses.
- If left blank, the number of exam resets allowed in each course will match that course’s default reset limit.
- Do not enter negative numbers in this field.
- Select the Save button to confirm the new reset limit.
- The status page will inform you your selection was successfully saved and the reset limit field will be updated to reflect the new value.
- The status page will inform you your selection was successfully saved and the reset limit field will be updated to reflect the new value.
Upon resetting an exam, the end user will be able to view the number or resets allowed.