Viewing Banner Messages
Log in to the Learning Platform and open any course. The newest active banner message sent to you should appear at the top of the page. To see older (but still active) banner messages, dismiss the first message.
NOTE: To ensure a specific user has received a banner message, impersonate them. Do not dismiss the message while impersonating them, or they will not see the message!
Viewing In-App Messages
- Log in to the Learning Platform and open any course.
- Select the envelope icon in the platform header, and then select Go to Inbox from the drop-down menu. This will show all in-app messages you have received, including the dates you received them. A red number on the envelope indicates there are unread messages.
NOTE: To ensure a specific user has received an in-app message, impersonate them and select the envelope icon in the platform header. If you see the title of your message in the drop-down, they have successfully received the message. Do not open their inbox, as this will remove the “new message” indicator from their header.