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We are hosting internal, company-wide strategy and training workshops Tuesday, March 4th through Thursday, March 6th. We will continue to monitor and handle critical support items, but responses to tickets and inquiries might be delayed.

Live Classes FAQs
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  • Why are there no Live Classes available?
    Please note that not all learners will have access to Live Classes even if the Live Classes section is available for that course. If learners do not have access to Live Classes, they will see the following screen:

  • How do I join a live class?
    Follow these steps: 
    1. Click on the Live Classes section to head over to the list of upcoming Live Classes.

    2. A list of upcoming live classes will be available on this screen along with the date they will be held and the start time. The start time is set to your local time zone. To attend a class, click on the Attend button once it is available. 30 minutes prior to the start time the Attend button will become available on the page.
    NOTE: If a learner is already on the live classes page, the Attend button will become accessible for the learner at 30 minutes prior to the start time, and the learner will not need to refresh the page.

    3. ​​​Once you select the Attend button, your live class will open on a separate tab. If you are late to your class, you can still attend it if it's still in session.
    NOTE: Not all courses will have Live Classes set up, and not all learners will have access to Live Classes, depending on the Live Classes configuration (i.e. group assignment).
  • I missed a live class, can I still view the recording?
    Live classes that have been configured to be archived will be displayed in the Archived tab. To access Archived live classes follow these steps:
    1. Click on the Live Classes section to head over to the list of upcoming Live Classes.

    2. Navigate to Archived tab to select the class you would like to view.

    NOTE: Not all classes will be archived. The decision to archive a class and the duration of its availability are determined during the creation of the live class.
  • If I replicate a course that has Live Classes, will those classes also be replicated over to my new course?
    No, the live classes will not be replicated to the new course. This includes any upcoming, active, or archived events.
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