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Managing Curriculums
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Creating Curriculums

Curriculums can be created and managed in BluePrint - head over to this section to learn more! 


1. Open the Boost Dashboard and use the left-hand navigation to go to the Curriculums section. 

2. Select the Create link in the upper right-hand corner of the page to launch the curriculum creation wizard.


3. On the first page of the curriculum creation wizard, add a name for this curriculum, use the drop-down under Select Course to pick the course this curriculum is for, and check the box next to the names of any students who should be assigned to this curriculum.

  1. Use the search bar and the groups filter to find specific users quickly; the user listing is also paginated after 20 users. 
  2. If a user doesn’t have access to the course the curriculum is in, you won’t be able to add them to the curriculum.  NOTE: If access is provided via a contract the learner must log in and access the course to activate their enrollment and appear to be added to the curriculum. If access is provided via a voucher, the learner will appear to be added to the curriculum without needing to access the course first.
  3. After you finish creating the curriculum, you won’t be able to go back and change the course the curriculum is for. 
  4. A curriculum can only include Study Tasks from one course.
  5. Once you’ve completed this step, the curriculum is saved as a draft even if you exit the curriculum creation wizard. To restart the wizard, select the curriculum from the curriculums listing and edit it. 


4. Select the Continue button to move to the next page. 

5. Add Study Tasks to the curriculum. The left column lists all of the Study Tasks in the course’s Structured Study Plan, and the right column lists all of the Study Tasks added to this curriculum. To add a task to the curriculum, drag and drop it into the right column or select the + icon next to the task name. 

  1. To remove a task from the curriculum, either drag and drop the task into the left column, or select the X icon next to the task name. 
  2. Use the Filter Options button to search Study Tasks by keyword or filter them by content type or time. 
  3. The icon to the left of each task name indicates the type of Study Task it is (lessons, flashcards, etc.), and selecting the eye icon to the right of the task name will provide high-level information about the task (lesson-based tasks will include the number of lessons in the task and the first lesson’s content, flashcard-based tasks will list all of the flashcards in the task, and question-based tasks will include the number of questions in the task and the first question’s content).
  4. To add all tasks to a curriculum, select the three lines button in the left column header and then select Add all from the drop-down. 


6. Select the Continue button to move to the final step. 

7. Confirm your curriculum information. Make sure everything looks correct -- if not, you can return to the previous steps by selecting their names at the top of the page.


8. Select the Assign button to assign the curriculum to the students listed. 

If you don’t want students to see the curriculum yet, skip this step. The curriculum will be saved as a draft and accessible via the main curriculums listing. When you’re ready to assign the curriculum, edit the curriculum and select the Assign button on the “Confirm” page. 


Once a user is assigned to a curriculum, they will receive an email and an in-app notification (users have the option to turn off both of these notifications). 


Editing Curriculums


1. Open the Boost Dashboard and use the left-hand navigation to go to the Curriculums section.  

2. Select the curriculum you’d like to work with from the curriculum listing. 

3. On the curriculum’s details page, select the Edit button. Note that the editing process will take you through all three original curriculum creation steps - just click through to the pages where you need to make edits.

4. On the Set Up page, edit the curriculum’s name or add/remove students from the curriculum. You will not be able to change the course the curriculum is part of.



5. On the Assign Tasks page, add or remove Study Tasks from the curriculum. The left column lists all of the Study Tasks in the course’s Structured Study Plan, and the right column lists all of the Study Tasks added to this curriculum. To add a task to the curriculum, drag and drop it into the right column or select the + icon next to the task name. 

  1. To remove a task from the curriculum, either drag and drop the task into the left column, or select the X icon next to the task name. 
  2. Use the Filter Options button to search Study Tasks by keyword or filter them by content type or time. 
  3. The icon to the left of each task name indicates the type of Study Task it is (lessons, flashcards, etc.), and selecting the eye icon to the right of the task name will provide high-level information about the task (lesson-based tasks will include the number of lessons in the task and the first lesson’s content, flashcard-based tasks will list all of the flashcards in the task, and question-based tasks will include the number of questions in the task and the first question’s content).
  4. To add all tasks to a curriculum, select the three lines button in the left column header and then select “Add all” from the drop-down. 




6. On the Confirm page, review your changes and select the Assign button to update the curriculum. 


Deleting Curriculums

1. Open the Boost Dashboard and use the left-hand navigation to go to the Curriculums section.  

2. Select the curriculum you’d like to work with from the curriculum listing. 

3. On the curriculum’s details page, select the Delete button.


Deleting the curriculum will remove it from the student’s curriculum listing. Students will still be able to access the Study Tasks that were part of this curriculum via the Structured Study Plan.

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